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County Health Rankings and 1 more... less...

Improve behavioral health habits

Mental Health Providers per Population

Current Value




Line Bar Comparison


Ratio of population to mental health providers. The 2023 County Health Rankings used data from 2022 for this measure.

These data come from the National Provider Identification data file, which has some limitations. Providers who transmit electronic health records are required to obtain an identification number, but very small providers may not obtain a number. While providers have the option of deactivating their identification number, some mental health professionals included in this list may no longer be practicing or accepting new patients. This may result in an overestimate of active mental health professionals in some communities. It is also true that mental health providers may be registered with an address in one county, while practicing in another county. (CHR 2023)

Why Is This Important?

Access to care requires not only financial coverage, but also access to providers. Nearly thirty percent of the population lives in a county designated as a Mental Health Professional Shortage Area.1 As the mental health parity aspects of the Affordable Care Act create increased coverage for mental health services, many anticipate increased workforce shortages. (CHR 2023)

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