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DVHA Clinical Services Program and 2 more... less...

Clinical Services Team

Clinical Services Team

# of paid claims broken out by telehealth category: triage, audio only, and video & audio

Current Value


Sep 2024


Line Bar

Notes on Methodology

  • Triage communication services include paid claims for HCPCS G2010, G2012, and G0071 
  • Audio only includes paid claims with POS '99' and procedure modifier 'V3'
  • Video & audio includes paid claims with POS '02'
  • # of calls based on claim ID and date of services
  • Call counts will increase as more claims are submitted for current dates of services

Story Behind the Curve

This performance measure is important because it shows the impact COVID had on telehealth usage in Vermont and how the use of telehealth continues to change with the end of the Public Health Emergency (PHE).

The circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a substantial increase in the number of health care services delivered through telehealth, as evidenced by the count of telehealth services.  Providers responded to COVID by implementing platforms and expanding the use of telehealth to continue to provide access to health care services during the PHE. Through provider education, outreach, and partnerships with external stakeholders, Vermont Medicaid was able to provide guidance for adoption of telehealth and respond to providers’ questions as they rapidly implemented changes in their clinical practice. As telehealth (defined as 2-way, real-time audio and video/visual interactive communication) was not possible for Medicaid providers to reach all their Medicaid members requiring care during the PHE, Vermont Medicaid also provided temporary coverage and full reimbursement for certain telephonic (audio-only) services furnished during the PHE. The expanded access and increased adoption of telehealth is an important change in the delivery of healthcare and will result in continued utilization.  The data above shows that telehealth claims of all types increased dramatically starting in March 2020.  Video & audio claims make up the largest portion of overall telehealth paid claims, followed by audio only and then triage services. 

DVHA monitors the telehealth claims data on a quarterly basis to assess utilization, developing trends, and inform decision making. The data above shows that telehealth claims of all types increased dramatically starting in March 2020.  Video & audio claims make up the largest portion of overall telehealth paid claims, followed by audio only and then triage services. It is important to note that the PHE “unwind” that began in May of 2023 has resulted in a decrease of Medicaid members enrolled. As a result, fewer members are accessing telehealth services as seen in the trendline above. Additionally, coverage for audio only services was removed beginning July 1st, 2023.

Last updated: 02/15/24


  • Medicaid Providers

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