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Cooking Matters

% of participants that indicated knowledge change (survey)

Current Value


Q2 2023


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

The statement on the Cooking Matters website states:  "Cooking Matters provides resources to help parents and caregivers develop their skills when shopping for and cooking healthy foods on a budget." The program, however, is very adaptable to any target population, and while it provides a carefully designed framework, it allows the facilitator to adjust the program.  Programs that offer this type of educaton has been requested by the community.


Currently, the Enrichment Center.

What Works

After the presentation is completed, evaluations from participants are collected to gather feedback for future presentations. 

Action Plan

Participant feedback from the first Cooking Matters class from February of 2024 at the Enrichment Center both during classtime and from Cooking Matters predesigned post surveys was helpful.  Participants shared their experience with other people within this population, and the demand for more classes was received.  LCHD Health Educators will be presenting more Cooking Matters classes and including the feedback from the February 2024 classes, such as ideas for more specific types of cuisine, e.g. Greek and Mediterranean.  Particpants stated that the information was relevant, well organized, that the Health Educators presenting the program were relatable, informative, made for an inviting environment, introduced them to foods they have never tried before (kiwi fruit, bok choy, whole wheat bread, etc.), and that the foods prepared for the class to taste were delicious.  Using this feedback the program willcontinue to improve and better serve this population as well as others.

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