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Long Term Care (LTC) Unit

% of LTC renewal applications closed due to non-cooperation

Current Value


Jul 2024


Line Bar

Notes on Methodology

Because DVHA LTC renewal workers continue to process some renewal forms for approximately two months beyond the renewal date, the data will be updated monthly to reflect the most current count.

Story Behind the Curve

This measure is important because during the Public Health Emergency (PHE), LTC renewals (reviews) were suspended.  As part of the Medicaid eligibility “unwind”, CMS has mandated states to resume LTC Medicaid renewals and to provide reasons for LTC Medicaid closures.

If LTC Medicaid clients do not return their renewal form, CMS rule requires that DVHA LTC close the client’s coverage for non-cooperation.  For those clients who return their renewal form, LTC workers review their eligibility.  Following LTC’s review of the renewal form and other available information, clients will be closed if they are no longer eligible for LTC Medicaid.  If any client needs more time completing the renewal form prior to their coverage ending, the client is instructed to contact their worker and LTC may be able to grant an extension of time.  LTC will accept late renewals up to 90 days following closure date.   Renewal forms that are received more than 90 days following closure date will be treated as a new LTC application.

The chart above depicts the percentage of clients whose coverage was closed due to non-cooperation (out of all closed cases).  Please note that in July & August 2023, Vermont experienced extraordinary flooding throughout the State.  Because of the impacts on homes, roads, and USPS mail, Vermont received approval from CMS to extend coverage for the July and August 2023 reviews.  As part of the CMS approval, Vermont LTC Medicaid coverage for July and August renewals was “bumped out” (extended).  Therefore, LTC Medicaid did not close coverage for any clients in July and August 2023 except for client deaths or client request to withdraw from the LTC program.   

Last updated: 06/04/24


  • CMS
  • DVHA Leadership
  • DVHA Policy Unit
  • LTC Medicaid providers
  • DAIL LTC clinical coordinators
  • Area Agencies on Aging
  • Family members, authorized representatives, and other assisting parties


CMS is monitoring the number of LTC Medicaid clients who fail to successfully renew their coverage.   LTC has a dedicated team focused on assisting Vermonters in successfully submitting their renewal forms to ensure their Medicaid benefits continue.  The internal processes include additional customer-centric steps to ensure clients submit their renewal form. Vermont Medicaid mails the renewal form six weeks before the due date.  On the 10th of the month, DVHA LTC calls clients who have not submitted their renewal form.  Starting in November 2023, DVHA LTC also began offering to take information from clients for a renewal application over the phone.   Under certain circumstances approved by CMS, DVHA LTC is also working with clients by extending coverage and allowing additional time to submit applications

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