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Workforce Modernization Efforts and 1 more... less...

Invest in Workforce Positions

% of new positions budgeted at or above 3rd quartile

Current Value


SFY4 2024


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

DPH seeks to be positioned as a competitive employer while ensuring it recruits highly qualified staff. As positions are more competitively budgeted for, this will align with both market value and a highly skilled workforce. 

In the last quarter, the Division has surpassed its target at 27% of new positions budgeted at or above the 3rd quartile which is a 3% increase. 


What Works

We know there is a correlation between the number of days in vacancy and where the position is budgeted within the pay band. The lower the pay the longer positions stay in vacancy. 

Next Steps

Work to increase the number of federal positions budgeted at or above the median. In addition to using LMAR funds to support state-funded positions. 

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