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All individuals in Randolph County affected by substance use disorder and mental health conditions are healthy, safe, and free of stigma.

Emergency Department Diagnoses for Substance-Related Medical Conditions

Current Value




North Carolina Disease Event Tracking and Epidemiologic Collection Tool  (NC DETECT) is North Carolina’s statewide syndromic surveillance system.  This measure includes visits to emergency departments by Randolph County residents for substance-related medical conditions.  Specific medical conditions are identified by variable.

Line Bar Comparison

Story Behind the Curve

People living with substance use disorders experience medical complications that are associated with substance use.  Factors contributing to medical complications include types of substances used, consumption method, and access to preventive care.  The presence of xylazine in the drug supply has significantly increased the number of people experiencing severe infections and wounds.  According to the UNC Street Drug Analysis Lab, 1 in 4 drug samples analyzed in 2022 tested positive for xylazine.  In May 2023, NC DHHS released xylazine exposure guidance

Additionally, access to sterile supplies and wound care materials are limited.  While syringe service programs are supported by G.S. 90-113.27, budgetary constraints and staff capacity have limited the reach of the program serving Randolph County.  As a result, people who inject drugs may not be aware of the program or unable to access services. 

Fear and stigma prevent people with substance use disorders from seeking medical care.  This includes seeking care for severe infections and wounds.  Furthermore, Randolph County has few providers trained to treat hepatitis C for those that test positive.


Health care providers, behavioral health providers, community based organizations, faith organizations, human service providers

What Works

Effective strategies to address medical complications of people with substance use disorders include:

  • Addressing stigma among health care providers regarding patients with substance use disorders
  • Training health care providers on harm reduction methods 
  • Increase access to sterile supplies, wound care materials, and safe disposal of used supplies
  • Training organizations serving people with substance use disorders on symptoms of medical complications such as infections/wounds
  • Providing harm reduction tools to identify presence of xylazine in drug supply (e.g., xylazine test strips)
  • Offer screening and bridges to treatment for communicable diseases (e.g., HIV, hepatitis A/B/C)


To address the increasing prevalence of skin infections, several community partners are working to provide preventative tools.  These strategies include:

  • Operating a state-registered syringe service program
  • Providing xylazine test strips with overdose prevention education
  • No-cost acute medical care including basic wound care and supplies

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