Reduce the overall infant mortality rate
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
The infant mortality rate (IMR) has started to trend downward since 2019, but it remains well above the Healthy People 2030 goal of 5.0 deaths per 1,000 live births. Additionally, while the overall IMR and the White IMR are decreasing for our community, the Black IMR is actually increasing. This means the racial disparity in infant mortality is growing, with the Black IMR reaching more than three times that of Whites (Blacks 16.0 vs. Whites 4.8).
Infant mortality is associated with many factors before, during, and after birth. While there are some factors positively impacting this issue in our community - such as are the expansion of Medicaid coverage, available home visiting and resource connection programs, and the collaborative efforts of the EveryOne Reach One Maternal and Infant Vitality Task Force - there are also many factors working against these positive changes - such as lack of affordable housing, poor representation in healthcare, inadequate family planning, and high levels of stress and trauma with too few options for mental health care.