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Learners develop the skills needed for life and career, including but not limited to civic literacy, employability skills, financial literacy, and health literacy and 1 more... less...


3. Learners develop the skills needed for life and career, including but not limited to civic literacy, employability skills, financial literacy, and health literacy

E-Ind. 3.2: % of Story County students who completed FAFSA (LIMITED DISAGGREGATED DATA AVAIALBLE)

Current Value


SY 2022


Line Bar Comparison

Story Behind the Curve

The completion rate for the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is one indicator of how many high-school seniors plan to continue on to college. This data can be viewed by school, school district, AEA, county and beyond. Go to: 

October 2024 Note: In December 2023, the "Better FAFSA" was rolled out, 3 months later than is typical. Available FAFSA completion data has seemingly been complicated by this roll out, though initial suggestions indicate mixed results in Story County high schools:

2022 Note: Since the covid-19 pandemic, the FAFSA rate has been lower than it had been. When subpopulations are looked at, the FAFSA rate is even lower than the overall average:

  • By Gender: The FAFSA completion rate was 16% lower for Story County male seniors than for Story County female seniors in SY22.
  • By Household Income: For Story County youth who qualified for free-or-reduced price lunch, the FAFSA completion rate was 39% (compared to 64% for non-FRPL eligible students) in SY22.
  • By Race/Ethnicity: For Story County students who identified as a "racial/ethnic minority," FAFSA completion was 5% lower than for those who identified as "white/non-Hispanic." When Black and Latinx student completion rates are examined, an even more significant difference is found.



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