Indicator: % of Caledonia County youth in grades 9-12 who tried marijuana before the age of 13
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
Youth who use cannabis are at risk for permanent effects on the developing brain, especially when using regularly. Youth cannabis use increases the risk of mental health issues and potential for addiction.
A special note about 2021 YRBS data: The data from the 2021 YRBS should be interpreted with caution as due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s YRBS was done in the fall instead of the usual spring timeline, meaning that students were overall younger when they completed the survey. In addition, students who participated in the 2021 YRBS may have had a different educational and social experience compared to previous participants. Disruptions, including remote learning, lack of social interactions and extracurricular activities, are likely reflected in the survey results.
Cannabis and Teens | Cannabis and Public Health | CDC |