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Child Support: All children in the program are receiving regular, reliable child support payments on a monthly basis from their parent(s) and the children have healthcare coverage. Medicaid Recovery: Medicaid avoids paying for, or is reimbursed for, medical expenses billed to Medicaid as measured by cost avoidance estimates and collection totals.


Medicaid recovery collections

Current Value


SFY 2024



Measure Definition

This measure shows the total dollars collected by the Medicaid Recovery Third Party Liability program (TPL) to reimburse Medicaid for claims paid.  This program pursues liable third parties to ensure that Medicaid is the payer of last resort.  


Story Behind the Curve

Medicaid recovery collections increased during state fiscal years 2022 and 2023, due in part to a very robust housing market.  Collections did decrease during state fiscal year 2024 due to decreased collections through the Medicaid Estate Recovery Program, and due to not receiving pharmacy claims as a result of the new PRISM system.  We anticipate that as we begin receiving pharmacy claims in early 2025, this will have a positive effect on collections.

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy