Ensure All Youth Receive Appropriate Amount of Dosage
Current Value
Measure Definition
This measure shows the percent of Juvenile Justice and Youth Services (JJYS) Secure Care Youth, Gemstone Girl's Program, and Transition to Adult Living (ALTA) youth who receive no less than 12.5 hours of programming each week, during specified State Fiscal Year Quarters. JJYS enrollment and service data are collected through the JJYS case management information system. Programming hours are collected through the JJYS Behavior Management System (BMS).
Results for this measure are updated quarterly, within 45 days after the end of each quarter.
Story Behind the Curve
The leading public safety research indicates that the best opportunity to help high risk youth avoid reoffending is to ensure they receive the evidence based amount of treatment during their period of incarceration. The research indicates youth should receive between 250-300 hours of treatment. Based on the average lengths of stay, JJYS identified the need to deliver 12.5 hours of evidence based treatment for every youth, every week. This is in addition to other programming such as school.
At times, issues of safety or staffing shortages does disrupt JJYS’ ability to deliver this amount of treatment. However, JJYS's target is to ensure 100% Secure Care and Gemstone youth receive appropriate amounts of dosage.