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Increase preventive care and reduce acute care among older adults

% of adults age 65 and older who were vaccinated against seasonal influenza for the most recent flu season

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Story Behind the Curve

Updated: February, 2024

Author: Immunization Program, Vermont Department of Health

This indicator, or population measure, is part of our Healthy Vermonters 2030 data set. Read more about how this data helps us understand and improve the well-being of people in Vermont on the Healthy Vermonters 2030 webpage.

Because this data is meant to show how the health of our state changes during the decade from 2020-2030, some indicators may have very few data points for now. Keep checking back to see the progress our public health system and partners are making.

By 2030 we want to see this indicator reach 65% each influenza season. In 2020 which is our baseline for 2030, the rate was 63%.


The COVID-19 pandemic and rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine impacted the way people access vaccines and think about vaccines. To see more detailed information about influenza and COVID-19 vaccination (including geographic and age breakdowns), visit our new Vermont COVID-19 and Flu Vaccination dashboard.


Increasing the number of people who receive the flu vaccine each year is a Healthy People 2030 Leading Health Indicator. It is a high priority objective to drive action toward improving overall health and well-being.


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Why Is This Important?

Influenza vaccination is especially important for adults 65 years and older who have a higher risk of hospitalization or death if they get the flu. Additionally, by reducing hospitalizations there will be less strain on the overall healthcare system during respiratory virus season.

We are not able to compare our rates in Vermont to the rest of the country because national reporting is primarily survey-based rather than immunization registry based

The Immunization Program, healthcare providers, and aging associations may all have a role in increasing vaccination rates. They may benefit from using this data to understand gaps and areas for intervention.

Equity and Impact

There is some variance in the rates between the regional District Offices across Vermont. Some of this may be caused by reporting variables, since some individuals are vaccinated outside the state and their immunization is not reported to Vermont. 

Different populations may have unique barriers to accessing the vaccine such as travel or financial barriers. Additionally, there may be some populations with historical trauma that impact their confidence in medical interventions such as vaccines. We continue to work with partners to try to address access barriers as well as vaccine confidence and trust.

How We Can Improve

We are working closely with partners to identify barriers to accessing vaccine, increase public education, and increase vaccine confidence.

Providers play a critical role in meeting our target. They provide individual education to patients, offer vaccination appointments, and address patient concerns about the flu vaccine. Therefore, supporting providers and making sure they have up to date information is a critical strategy we rely on. Additionally, engaging with community partners to increase vaccine confidence and educate community members is an important piece of this work.

Notes on Methodology

The target value of 65% was chosen to increase from the 2020 baseline rate of 63%. The population for this indicator includes individuals 65 years and older.

Influenza vaccination rates run from July 1 to June 30 each year; when the season restarts on July 1 the rate drops to zero. The updated vaccine to match the anticipated strains is often not available until September or October. Thus, rates regularly vary throughout the year depending on the time of year. Data is collected from the Vermont Immunization Registry

To see more detailed information about influenza and COVID-19 vaccination (including geographic and age breakdowns), visit our new Vermont COVID-19 and Flu Vaccination dashboard.

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