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Stable Community

% of students who self-report perception of living in a stable community - GPRA Data and Narrative Entry


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GPRA Definition

Additional Measure #2. Number and percent of students who self-report perception of living in a stable community.


We intend to use School Climate Survey in the future to capture this information.

Data Profile

Intended source to be School Climate Survey.

Click Here to link to the applicable School Climate Survey Information Document in Section D on the first Scorecard.  You can click on the link to review the information and enter GPRA specific data information or collection challenges.

Target Description & Source

Click Here to access or upload your Data Plan and approved targets.

Solutions and Cradle to Career Pipeline Location

Student Success Navigators -  Student navigators prepare individualized plans for enrolled Hope Zone participants that identify needs, existing services in place, family dynamics, and educational outcome aims. Student Success Navigators connect participants to resources and services in the community and serve as the point-of-contact for participants or their families when barriers are impeding access to services. Each Student Success Navigator carries a caseload of 60 children/youth.

Family Resource Coordinators -  Omega CDC employs Family Resource Coordinator at Fairview Elementary, EJ Brown Middle, and Thurgood Marshall High to build relationships with people within and outside the school to engage faculty, staff, students, and families serving as a liaison for neighborhood residents, associations, nonprofits, businesses, religious organizations, and other potential partners.

Goodwill Easter Seals Mental Health Services - In cooperation with Scholars of Hope, Goodwill offers Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Health children/youth and mental health services for adults at the Hope Center for Families.

School Resiliency Coordinators (DCH) - Dayton Children’s Hospital employs School Resiliency Coordinators in 3 Dayton schools (Fairview, EJ Brown and Thurgood) which offer school-based resiliency care coordination services to children and families with mental health, environmental, physical, recreational, and social needs.

Housing - The Hope Zone project will enable economic impact across housing development and homeownership repair programs with matching funds, which will entail a $3.6M investment in the demolition, rehabilitation or construction of at least 360 new, decent, safe and affordable units to address the substandard housing available to families.

Scholars of HOPE - Omega CDC will institute its Scholars of HOPE expanded learning, an afterschool and summer school program, at Fairview Elementary and Edwin Joel Brown Middle School for K-8 which boasts academic achievement and parent involvement facilitated through a mix of current and retired teachers, along with classroom aides, taught reading and math via the BELL curriculum. The program will operate for 3+ hours each day the schools are in session and include the following components:

  • Prevention Program: Funded by Montgomery County Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services Board, students will receive prevention education utilizing the evidence- based practices of Too Good for Drugs, Too Good for Violence, Second Step and Signs of Suicide.

  • Passport to Literacy (Competitive Preference Priority 3): Omega CDC will utilize the Passport to Literacy at Fairview for K-6 students. Passport to Literacy utilizes English Language Arts (ELA) small group intervention and explicit structural strategies to address the needs of English learners. The project will use an ODE clearinghouse-suggested Passport Reading Journey curriculum.

  • OnRamp Algebra (Competitive Preference Priority 3): Omega CDC will implement OnRamp Algebra, an intervention program designed exclusively to ensure that at-risk students are adequately prepared for Algebra 1, at 6th grade at Fairview and the 7th-8th grade at EJ Brown.

  • focusMath: Omega CDC will utilize focusMath, an intensive, K–6 math intervention program which identifies at-risk students early and accelerates their learning with instruction that is intensive, balanced, and individualized, at Fairview K-5 students.

  • Reading Buddies (Competitive Preference Priority 3): In partnership with Omega Baptist Church, Omega CDC will utilize Reading Buddies, a program in which two or more individuals read together allowing older students to model good reading to younger students.

  • High Dosage Reading and Math Tutoring (Competitive Preference Priority 3): Omega CDC, in partnership with University of Dayton, will use one-to-one high dosage reading and math tutoring for 7th-8th graders. Members of Omega Baptist Church volunteer as reading buddies in Scholars of HOPE.

  • Cross-curricular and Student-Led Learning (Competitive Preference Priority 3): Omega CDC will support Fairview Elementary and EJ Brown by performing project-based, interactive, and fun cross-curricular and student-led learning which teaches the essence of collaboration for students’ learning—a fundamental way to teach concepts in the context of multiple subjects at once.

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