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People in Duplin County are healthy, resilient, and thriving

Uninsured: % in Duplin County

Current Value





Story Behind the Curve

Since 2016, Duplin County's uninsured rate has been an average of roughly 20%, with an increase noted in 2019 at 22% and coming back down to 20% in 2021. With Medicaid Expansion beginning in December of 2023, Duplin County hopes to see those numbers lessen even more. Per the U.S. Census Bureau (2022), at least 13.0% of Duplin County's population were foreign-born residents, meaning that residency status may play a part in the amount of our uninsured patients, as some may not qualify for insurance due to immigration status.

What's helping:

  • NC Medicaid Expansion in 2023
  • Presumptive Medicaid

What's hurting:

  • Residency status
  • Cost of health insurance
  • Stigma against health insurance-that it's not needed
  • Literacy level
  • Insurance being offered through employer


NC Medcaid

NC Health Plans 

Duplin DSS


What Works

  • Increased employment which brings opportunities for insurance
  • Increased awareness and education to the public of what insurance is and how it benefits the patient
  • Providers/facilities making appropriate referrals to DSS for patients to apply for Medicaid
  • Providers being knowledgeable of different types of insurance and discussing this with patients

Action Plan

  • Education of public as to why health insurance is important and how to apply if eligibile
  • Encourage application for Medicaid for maternal health visits, even if for presumptive Medicaid
  • Education opportunities for staff and providers to learn more about different types of insurance as a refresher
  • Reviewing process of applying for insurance with healthcare providers

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