CCP: Contraceptive Care for Postpartum Women; MMEC 90 days - Age 21-44 (ACS-MY)
Current Value
Notes on Methodology
- This is an Office of Population Affairs (OPA) administrative measure
- The annual reported rate captures activity during the stated measurement year (MY).
- Please note that in MY22, the timeframe changed from 60 to 90 days. However, these new specifications were not published in time for programming to change.
- MY23 data is within 90 days.
Story Behind the Curve
This measure shows that among women ages 15 to 44 at risk of unintended pregnancy, the percentage that were provided a most effective or moderately effective method of contraception (MMEC) or a long-acting reversible method of contraception (LARC) within 3 and 90 days. The Adult Core Set asks states to report the rate for the subset of members 21-44 years of age (shown above).
Four rates are reported:
- The percent that were provided a MMEC within 3 days.
- The percent that were provided a MMEC within 90 days.
- The percent that were provided a LARC within 3 days.
- The percent that were provided a LARC within 90 days.
The rate is an intermediate outcome measure, and it is desirable to have a high percentage of women who are provided the most effective or moderately effective contraceptive methods during the postpartum period.
Last updated: September 2024