AAB: Avoidance of Antibiotic Treatment for Acute Bronchitis/Bronchiolitis - Age 18-64 (ACS-MY)
Current Value
Notes on Methodology
- This is a Healthcare Effectiveness & Data Information Set (HEDIS®) administrative measure and only includes Medicaid Primary beneficiaries.
- The annual reported rate captures activity during the stated measurement year (MY).
The Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS®) is a registered trademark of NCQA.
Story Behind the Curve
Antibiotics are most often inappropriately prescribed for acute bronchitis. This measure assesses the percentage of episodes among members age 18-64 with a diagnosis of acute bronchitis/bronchiolitis that did not result in an antibiotic dispensing event.
Antibiotics are not indicated in clinical guidelines for treating with acute bronchitis who do not have a comorbidity or other infection for which antibiotics may be appropriate. Inappropriate antibiotic treatment of patients with acute bronchitis is of clinical concern, especially since misuse and overuse of antibiotics lead to antibiotic drug resistance. Acute bronchitis consistently ranks among the 10 conditions that account for most ambulatory office visits to U.S. physicians; furthermore, while the vast majority of acute bronchitis cases (more than 90%) have a nonbacterial cause, antibiotics are inappropriately prescribed 65%–80% of the time.
Inappropriate antibiotic use can be addressed by reminding providers of clinical guideline recommendations and providing feedback about their prescribing behaviors. In addition, use of patient education interventions can discourage seeking antibiotics for viral conditions (such as the common cold), or without confirmatory tests such as group A strep test for pharyngitis.
Last updated: 11/29/23