Life Expectancy (Total) in Alexander County: Average number of years of life remaining for people who have attained a given age.
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
The "Story Behind the Curve" helps us better understand data associated with a specific result we want to achieve. When we look closely at data and engage partners that can provide context to positive or negative factors that influence the data's trajectory, we can better identify strategies and interventions that can turn the (data) curve in the direction that improves the well-being for those in our community.
COVID-19 became a leading cause of death in 2020-2021. Alexander County saw a rapid decline in the senior population during this time due to coronavirus deaths.
Maintaining community engagement is an essential part of overall health. Senior center activities saw a decline due to COVID-19 regulations, limiting social engagement for this population.
In addition to this, there was an increase in rates of chronic diseases such as Type II Diabetes, Alzheimer's, Cancers, & Cardiovascular Diseases. This may be due to poor nutrition & limited access to exercise opportunities.
Alexander County has also been impacted by the drug-overdose epidemic, seeing an increase in accidental deaths & injuries as a result.