Choices for Care Moderate Needs: Number of individuals on provider wait lists
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
The Choices for Care “Moderate Needs” program is an option for individuals who may not meet nursing home level of care but require some services to assist them to remain independent in their home, preventing a more intense level of service. The Moderate Needs option is not an “entitlement” and is limited by available funds. If an agency does not have funding to provide services to all eligible participants, a waitlist is created.
- Adult Day Centers
- Case Management Providers
- Home Health Agencies
What Works
The Home Health Agencies and the provider group evaluate their budgets throughout the year and have the ability to reallocate the funds to other agencies to ensure the largest number of individuals receive services.
DAIL Adult Services Division is monitoring to identify any unspent funds to allocate the funds to the agencies with waitlists to ensure full utilization of the moderate needs funding allocation.