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P1 - Improved Health and Wellbeing Outcomes for Families


(P1) % Clients reported living healthier lifestyles since working with Otara Health (programmes)

Current Value


HY1 2018


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

The organisation delivers two specific health and well-being programmes funded by Counties Manukau Health. These two programmes involve an element of case management over a 12 month period for each child participating. Improvement measures are captured over this period and so allows reporting and surveying of the client base for the life of the engagement. The AWHI programme is another case management programme aimed at improving the housing quality for those referred for health reasons. One contractual outcome requires reporting of the health improvement outcomes experienced post intervention. This information is also included in this measure.

The latest story behind the curve note the sample size is larger second time around, and more clients reporting as the client base increases.



  • Counties Manukau Health  - Coordinated Care, Active Families, Active Futures
  • PHO National Hauora Coalition - AWHI

Referees and Providers

  • WINZ 
  • NZ Police
  • General practioners and clinics
  • Plunket
  • Auckland Council


  • Counties Manukau Sport
  • Sports clubs
  • Schools


  • Children and the their families 

What Works

Otara Health works with children and their families to achieve the health outcomes that they identify and set for themselves. Through the programmes and services delivered, Health facilitators encourage children and their families to progress at a level that works for them, and to celebrate any progress improvements along the way - big or small. This encourages clients to stick with the commitments they've made for a healthier lifestyle.

Action Plan

  • Track monitor and record client improvement and outcomes on a regular and timely basis
  • Provide services and activities within the programmes that are what works for clients
  • Encourage families at every opportunity to ensure children under 5 years have completed their before school check
  • Encourage GPs to measure record the BMI for children, and to refer to Otara Health for those identified as being at or greater than the 98th percentile marker for child obesity.

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