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Increase the number who receive preventive health screenings and follow-up through the health hub project.


Number appropriately referred for follow-up treatment at participating health hub entities.

Current Value




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Story Behind the Curve

In 2014, 170 different venues were attended by Community Health Workers utilizing the Encounter Registry; and risk assessments were provided to 806 different individuals.

While providing referrals for follow-up treatment is a normal component of risk assessments, tracking the amount of referrals is pending, and difficult to determine if the person utilizes that referral and seeks treatment.

During 2014, only 53 individuals had been entered into the Encounter Registry. By December 2015, that number had increased by 1814 individuals. The ability and confidence among Community Health Workers in using the Registry, increased significantly with training for its use when performing health risk assessments. By July 2016, a total of 5217 individuals had been seen at 649 different venues. And a total of 3,971 referrals and community linkages to healthy supports had been made; resulting in 195 different community resouerces being utilized.

Clear Impact Suite is an easy-to-use, web-based software platform that helps your staff collaborate with external stakeholders and community partners by utilizing the combination of data collection, performance reporting, and program planning.

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