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P1 - Improved Health and Wellbeing Outcomes for Families


(P1) % Referees reporting positive outcomes achieved for their clients referred to OH for support

Current Value


HY1 2018


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

The curve on this measure is subject to large variations between reporting periods, this is due to the small sample size involved, despite a good number of referees invited to survey. 



  • Auckland Council - Improving Māori input into Local Board Decision Making
  • Counties Manukau Health - Coordinated Care, Active Families, Active Futures
  • Great Potentials - HIPPY
  • Grass Roots Giving - Parents for Life
  • Ministry of Education - Incredible Years
  • Ministry of Health - Kaitohutohu
  • Ministry of Social Development - Teen Parenting
  • National Hauora Coalition - AWHI

Providers and Referees

  • WINZ 
  • HNZC 
  • General practioners and clinics
  • Plunket
  • Auckland Council
  • Counties Manukau Sport
  • Sports clubs
  • Schools


  • Children and the their families 

What Works

  • Working with others of shared interest to identify need and co-design programmes and services to address this
  • Working at the pace of the client and community involved

Action Plan

  • Lead and encourage collaboration
  • Improve and maintain the service provider networks through working collaboratively with others
  • Co-design programmes with others as necessary to ensure they remain relevant to addressing the need identified

Clear Impact Suite is an easy-to-use, web-based software platform that helps your staff collaborate with external stakeholders and community partners by utilizing the combination of data collection, performance reporting, and program planning.

Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy