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Vermont Medicaid Program - Adult CAHPS Survey and 1 more... less...


Vermont Medicaid

Customer Service - % of surveyed adult Medicaid beneficiaries who responded "usually' or "always" when asked about getting information needed and treatment by customer service staff

Current Value




Line Bar

Notes on Methodology

This measure comes from the annual Adult Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers & Systems (CAHPS) survey, which is a questionnaire developed jointly by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and the National Committee for Quality Assurance.

The survey draws as potential respondents the adult members of Vermont Medicaid who were continuously enrolled in the plan for at least 6 months, with no more than one enrollment gap of 45 days or less. From this sample frame, a random sample of 1,650 cases is drawn. 

The red dotted line in the graph above represents the national average of "top box" scores for all State Medicaid plans that submitted their results to the CAHPS database. Approximately 2/3 of states submit their annual CAHPS survey results to the national database.  It is entered onto the graph as a comparison to Vermont’s top box scores (e.g. usually or always responses).

Story Behind the Curve

The data in the graph above represents the % of surveyed adult Vermont Medicaid members who responded "usually" or "always" when asked if customer service gave necessary information or help and whether customer service staff were curteous and respectful. Vermont Medicaid monitors this as an important customer service indicator. Vermont Medicaid has been conducting this survey, following nationally certified protocol, annually since 2014. During that time period, our performance on this measure has improved, including during CY 2020's COVID-19 pandemic. We are on par with the national Medicaid health plan average for this composite measure.

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