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Family Supportive Housing and 2 more... less...

Office of Economic Opportunity

Family Supportive Housing

% of families in FSH stably housed

Current Value





Story Behind the Curve

At the end of SFY 2023, 62% (145) of active families were stably housed.  Once housed, the majority of FSH households are living in affordable housing or receiving some type of rental assistance. The remainder of active families include 29% (64) who were homeless and searching for housing, 2% (4) who were housed but considered at risk of homelessness, and data was not collected on 2% (4) of families.   57% (123) of housed families were reported as being in good standing with landlord, this is a significant decline from previous years.  Good standing is defined as the absence of lease violations and that if back rent is owed, the landlord and tenant have an agreed upon plan to address the issue.  For the past few years, many households in the Family Supportive Housing program relied on the VT Emergency Rental Assistance Program (VERAP) or Reach Up Emergency Rental Assistance (RUERA) for 100% of rental and utility costs. That program was significantly scaled back over the course of State Fiscal Year 2023 and many families found themselves facing housing costs they could not afford without assistance.  Over the past year, many other pandemic-era programs aimed at supporting low-income households also ended, such as the expanded child tax credit and additional SNAP benefits (3SquaresVT).   The overall impact on families has been a decreased ability to maintain their rental obligations while covering other household costs (e.g., food, clothing). FSH providers are working with households to help them reallocate their limited resources to address increased costs and navigate community resources to preserve their housing.

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