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Medicaid Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Program


% parents that strongly agree or agree that they are satisfied with the ABA services their child has received

Current Value




Line Bar

Notes on Methodology

The dates in the graph above represent the year that the surveys were collected; every January parents are asked to rate the services that their children received during the previous 12 months.

Story Behind the Curve

This measure is important because the Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA) Clinical Integrity Unit works to ensure that VT Medicaid members are receiving quality Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) services and that parents are satisfied with this treatment. 

This question is part of an annual ABA parent/caregiver survey that is sent to all members receiving VT Medicaid funded ABA treatment services.  Parents may write in additional comments if desired.

The decrease in rate between 2019 and 2021 has been analyzed by staff and no causal relationship can be found.  The continued lower rate in 2021 may in part be attributable to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The public health emergency resulted in a dramatic change in the delivery of treatment services during a large portion of 2020.  Most, if not all, ABA providers switched to a telehealth model.  This impacted how parents/caregivers interacted with staff, how they acquired novel treatment techniques, and the level of support they were given in implementing the novel techniques in the home.  While telehealth is still currently offered, most providers have resumed in-person treatment.  It is important to note the data exhibited and upward trendline in 2022 which was promising.  The data then shifted in 2023 resulting in a downward trendline.  The critical feedback from caregivers and guardians involves issues with waitlists and staffing shortages.  

Last Updated:  08/21/23


  • DVHA Policy Unit
  • ABA consumers


In 2021, the Autism Specialist began addressing any concerns or feedback received from the ABA survey at the Provider Site Visit.  In addition, the plan is to add a contact information section in the 2022 survey for parents/caregivers who wish to speak further with the Autism Specialist regarding specific feedback.

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy