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Blueprint for Health


% of patients served by patient-centered medical homes (PCMHs)

Current Value




Line Bar

Notes on Methodology

The percentage of Blueprint patients from the population of VHCURES members with a primary care visit is generated by Onpoint Health  Analytics, the statewide administrator of the All‐Payer Claims Dataset. Onpoint updates this percentage every 12 months.

The trend line for this measure should increase as additional practices join the Blueprint.


Story Behind the Curve

This is a measure of the percentage of Vermonters who receive their primary care from a Blueprint PCMH from the population of VHCURES members with a primary care visit. PCMHs provide top‐quality primary care centered on several key evidence‐based standards.

The trend line above indicates Vermont has seen a continued growth in the number of patients receiving care at patient-centered medical homes (PCMH). The growth in the percentage is primarily a reflection of an increase in the number of practices receiving NCQA recognition as a PCMH, with the largest increase occurring between 2011 and 2013.  This period saw a broad coordinated effort to support practices in achieving PCMH recognition and to meet the legislative mandate that all willing primary care providers in Vermont to participate in the Blueprint by October 2013. Some of the more recent fluctuations in the proportion can be attributed to two factors: 1) the closing and merging of practices; and 2) changes in the data available through the all-payer claims database, VHCURES, such as when self-insured plans start or stop contributing data to the database.  Nevertheless, the Blueprint for Health Quality Improvement Facilitators and Program Managers continue to encourage participation.

Narrative last updated:  3/24/2020



  • The local Blueprint Transformation Network, which includes: QI Facilitators, Community Health Team leaders, and Project Managers
  • Staff at Blueprint Patient-Centered Medical Homes (PCMHs)
  • Green Mountain Care Board (GMCB)

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