% of children who participated in programming who improved their reading level according to FAST
E-PM 2.2f: % of children who participated in programming who improved their reading level (FAST, guided reading, other)
Current Value
Prior to summer 2023, this measure read "who improved or maintained their reading level." This is now just a measure of the number who improved their reading level over the course of programming.
Story Behind the Curve
One partner agency reported a data gap: "These 2 measures were not gathered in summer 2019, and we did not have programming summer 2020 due to COVID-19." As they still offered some programming, however, the number of children served/assessed (the denominator) stayed high, artificially depressing the percentages reported here. The corrected percentages (when removing this partner agency's data) is 98% for FY18-19, 94% for FY19-20, and 76% for FY20-21.
The programs who report data that is aggregated here include:
- Raising Readers: Harrison Barnes Reading Academy's Summer Reading Buddies and After-School Tutoring
- YSS: Summer Enrichment
Other agencies report related measures. For example, Boys & Girls Club and Girl Scouts both collect the number of participants who report academic success, while YSS' Kids Club reports academic improvements. See: EPM 2.2g: % of surveyed participants who reported academic success (resultsscorecard.com) These are not included here given the potential variability in students' self-assessment and understanding of this survey prompt; only those using a standardized assessment annually are included in this aggregate.
United Way of Story County, along with partners (ISU and area school districts among them), are in the final stages of a data sharing agreement and data clearinghouse. As such, we hope soon to be able to track and report more comprehensively on how our partners are impacting academic success.