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Strategy 2.2: Foster child development and 1 more... less...

E-PM 2.2d: # of children total who participated in summer enrichment programs

E-PM 2.2d: # of children total who participated in summer enrichment programs

Current Value


FY 2024


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

August 2020: The coronavirus pandemic led to widespread 2020 summer program cancellations or reduced offerings to maintain social distancing. This resulted in a big drop from FY18-19 to FY19-20.

August 2021: The All Aboard for Kids program did not have summer camp in 2020, impacting its FY20-21 reporting (0s reported). CampFire similarly did not have programs in July and August 2020, while its June 2021 programs had limited capacity due to covid. 


United Way of Story County supports many summer enrichment programs: we recognize that access to quality and engaging out-of-school opprotunities are important for reinforcing and enhancing academic and social-emotional learning. The programs who report data that is aggregated here include:

  • ACPC: Child Care (summer enrichment participants total)
  • All Aboard for Kids: Summer Program
  • Boy Scouts
  • Boys & Girls Club: Ames and Nevada clubs
  • Camp Fire
  • Girl Scouts
  • Raising Readers: Harrison Barnes Reading Academy's Summer program
  • University Community Childcare: Child Care-School Age
  • YSS: Summer Enrichment

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