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Correctional Services: Probation Supervision and 2 more... less...


Strategy 1.2 Increasing income

Strategy 2.4: Promote the development of soft skills and other workplace readiness skills

FS-PM 2.4b: % of Story County clients that successfully completed probation that did not reoffend the following year

Current Value


FY 2024


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

This data point is available annually in the fall. It examines the re-offense rate of former probation clients. The data is always on a lag. For example: the data reported in FY20-21 (provided in fall 2021) reports the % of clients that exited in FY19-20 who did not reoffend in FY20-21. - AM


Center for Creative Justice: Correctional Services

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy