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Strategy 2.2: Foster child development and 1 more... less...

E-PM 2.2c: # of minutes read in out-of-school programs

E-PM 2.2c: # of minutes read in out-of-school programs (summer & school-year)

Current Value


FY 2024


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

August 2021: The numbers reported in FY19-20 and FY20-21 do not include the county's public libraries which were included prior. This explains the apparent drop in minutes read.


This data is reported by a number of UWSC partner agencies and participants in the Story County Reads consortium, as follows:

  • ACPC: Child Care School Age
  • Ames Public Library: Summer Reading Program
  • Boys & Girls Club: Youth Development (both Ames and Nevada clubs)
  • Camp Fire: Child Care School Age 
  • Huxley Public Library: Summer Reading Program
  • Nevada Public Library: Summer Reading Program and "Reading with Rover" program
  • Raising Readers: Harrison Barnes Reading Academy's Summer Program and After-School (school-year) Tutoring
  • YSS: Kids Club and Summer Enrichment

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy