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P003: Epidemiology and Response Division (FY17-FY19 Strategic Plan)


P003: Percent of county and tribal health councils that include in their plans evidence-based strategies to reduce alcohol-related harms

Current Value


FY 2017


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

  • New Mexico has the highest alcohol-related death rate in the nation.
  • Four people die of alcohol-related causes every day in New Mexico and the rate of alcohol-related mortality is increasing.
  • In FY17, the Alcohol Epidemiologist presented "Alcohol Epidemiology in New Mexico" to tribal health councils and the New Mexico Health Council Alliance.
  • The New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) depends on partnerships with other state agencies, clinicians, community groups, and councils to expand its reach. These stakeholders are key to turning the curve on alcohol-related mortality.
  • There are a number of evidence-based strategies that can be implemented to reduce alcohol-related harm, such as those recommended by the Community Preventive Services Task Force and the United States Preventive Services Task Force. Examples include alcohol screening and brief intervention (A-SBI) and regulating alcohol outlet density.


  • NM Department of Transportation
  • NM Human Services Department
  • NM Children, Youth and Families Department
  • NM Department of Finance and Administration
  • Health councils
  • Santa Fe Prevention Alliance
  • McKinley County DWI Planning Council
  • Rocky Mountain Youth Corps
  • Hands Across Cultures
  • Gallup Share and Care
  • Partners for Community Action
  • Clinical groups
  • Navajo Nation
  • Bernalillo County, Office of Health and Social Services

What Works

  • Regulate alcohol outlet density in key areas.
  • Increase alcohol screening and brief intervention.
  • Increase the price of alcohol.
  • Decrease the hours alcohol is sold.


  • Increase the perception that alcohol is a public health issue.
  • Increase the number of stakeholders that prioritize alcohol-related harm.
  • Increase the number of stakeholders that are aware of Community Guide recommendations.

Action Plan

The NMDOH Epidemiology and Response Division Substance Abuse Epidemiology Section will work to increase the percentage of health councils that include evidence-based strategy to reduce alcohol-related harms as follows:

  • Tailor data dissemination to a variety of audience types.
  • Build and maintain relationships with county and tribal health councils.
  • Collaborate with external programs.

Q1: Assess the percentage of county and tribal health councils that include evidence-based strategies to reduce alcohol-related harms in their plans. Completed.

Q2: Hold a meeting with the New Mexico Alliance of Health Councils focusing on planning to prevent excessive alcohol use. Completed.

Q3: Meet with a minimum of two health councils. Completed.

Q4: Assess the percentage of county and tribal health councils that include evidence-based strategies to reduce alcohol-related harms in their plans. Completed.

FY17 Annual Progress Summary

A survey was implemented at the 2017 Alliance for Health Councils Annual Meeting. Health councils were asked whether they included alcohol in their plans and whether they were interested in learning more about prevention activities. 11% of the health councils that responded reported that they had included alcohol in their plans, although some under the broader topic area of substance use. The survey initiated a number of new collaborations with health councils, including county factsheets and a tribal-specific NM Indicator Based Information System query for alcohol-related harm.

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