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P007: Developmental Disabilities and Supports Division (FY17-FY19 Strategic Plan)


P007: Number of individuals receiving developmental disabilities waiver services

Current Value


FY 2017


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

  • The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) provides an option for states to provide home and community-based Medicaid waiver services to people with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities (I/DD). Nationwide, 44 states and the District of Columbia use this option to provide these services.
  • The Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DDW) Program serves as an alternative to institutional care. The Program provides a variety of services for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities to support them in living independently and participating actively in their communities. 
  • As resources become available, persons on the waiting list are allocated services through the DDW. At the close of FY17, 4,691 New Mexicans were receiving DD Waiver services.  
  • The New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) Developmental Disabilities and Supports Division (DDSD) did not receive any legislative appropriations during the 2017 Legislative Session for new allocations. The NM Human Services Department (HSD) and DDSD monitor service utilization, expenditures, and attrition to determine if DDSD can use existing resources to allocate services to those on the waiting list. 


  • HSD Medical Assistance Division (MAD)
  • HSD Income Support Division (ISD)
  • University of New Mexico Center for Development and Disability (CDD)
  • Qualis, Third Party Assessor (TPA) for HSD
  • Healthcare and community providers
  • Case management agencies
  • Parent and advocacy support groups

What Works

  • Identifying and addressing issues with the budget approval and review process to guarantee uninterrupted receipt of services.
  • Increasing community awareness of services for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities.
  • Improving case management agencies' capacity to provide timely information regarding different types of available services.
  • Using HSDs 1915C client tracker report to ensure those receiving DDW services continue to meet eligibility requirements.


  • Increase awareness of services for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities by improving support to case management agencies (to provide information regarding different types of available services).

Action Plan

  • Q2-Q4: DDSD and HSD will analyze utilization and expenditure data to determine if funding allows for attrition and regular new allocations. In Process.
  • Q3-Q4: Work with case management agencies to get the remaining FY16 allocations into services. In Process. 
  • Q3-Q4: Identify why the average cost per person increased for both DDW and Mi Via Waiver participants. In Process.
  • Q3-Q4: Complete analysis to identify reasons behind the cost increase. In Process.

FY17 Annual Progress Summary

  • DDSD did not receive any legislative appropriations for new allocations during the FY16 or FY17 Legislative Sessions. 
  • During FY17, 4,691 individuals were receiving DD Waiver services (the target of 4,700 was missed by 9 individuals).
  • Approximately 73 individuals have been placed on a DD Waiver since FY16. 
  • HSD and DDSD continue to monitor service utilization, expenditures, and attrition to determine if DDSD can allocate any new people into services with existing resources.

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