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P787: Medical Cannabis Program (FY17-FY19 Strategic Plan)


P787: Percent of registry ID cards issued within five business days of application approval

Current Value


FY 2017


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

  • New Mexico is one of 29 states with a Medical Cannabis Program.
  • The Lynn and Erin Compassionate Use Act (the Act) became law in 2007. It allows New Mexicans with any of 21 qualifying debilitating medical conditions to use medical cannabis.
  • In FY17, the Medical Cannabis Program printed and mailed 98.8% of patient registry identification (ID) cards within five days of an application being approved.
  • The day an application is approved, the patient registry ID card is printed. The card is mailed within one to two business days after printing. Implementation of a streamlined process where patient registry ID cards are printed the same day an application is approved helped lead to exceeding our target goal in this area.
  • As patient enrollment increases, the Program will continue to utilize the process currently in place and explore opportunities for commercial printing of cards.


  • Patients and their families; caregivers
  • Advocates
  • Licensed non-profit producers (LNPP)
  • Licensed couriers, manufacturers, and laboratories
  • Legislature
  • Medical and Nursing Boards
  • Medical practitioner associations
  • New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) and private IT networking and expertise
  • State and local law enforcement
  • BioTrackTHC

What Works

  • Working with an outside vendor to print patient registry ID cards.
  • Hiring additional staff as the demand for patient registry ID cards increases.
  • Reviewing internal processes and establishing standard operating procedures to make sure printed patient registry ID cards are mailed within 48 hours.


  • Review internal processes and establish standard operating procedures (SOPs) for application approvals and printing. The SOPs will help ensure that printed patient registry ID cards are mailed no later than two business days after they are printed.
  • Hire additional staff; duties to include printing of patient registry ID cards.

Action Plan

  • Q1: Explore options for printing of patient registry ID cards off site. In progress.
  • Q2: Review current mailing process. Completed. Develop standard operating procedures for application approval and printing of patient registry ID cards. Completed.
  • Q3: Develop a plan for printing patient registry ID cards offsite. In progress.
  • Q4: Identify systems within BioTrackTHC that will allow enrollees to see when their patient registry ID card was mailed. In progress.

FY17 Annual Progress Summary

  • The Program exceeded the target goal of 85.0% in FY17 and consistently printed and mailed over 98.0% of patient registry ID cards within five days of an application being approved. 
  • The implementation of a streamlined process where patient registry ID cards are printed the same day of administrative approval, led to the Program exceeding its target goal in FY17.

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