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P003: Epidemiology Response Division (FY18)


P003: Percentage of the New Mexico population served during mass distribution of antibiotics and/or vaccinations through public/private partnerships in the event of a public health emergency

Current Value


FY 2017


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

  • The Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act (PAHPRA) emphasizes that pandemic influenza response is a public health responsibility. 
  • New Mexico and its citizens must be provided with primary and alternate methods to receive antibiotics and or vaccinations against emerging diseases and biological threats.
  • Fortunately, public health emergencies of a scale where Points of Dispensing (PODs) are needed do not happen often, however, this greatly limits an opportunity to assess the reach and effectiveness of efforts made with private and public partnerships.
  • The benchmark for the 3rd quarter was achieved exclusively through private sector closed POD developments and work with state agency closed POD will progress into the 4th quarter.   
  • The Epidemiology and Response Division's Bureau of Health Emergency Management will continue to identify additional private organizations and finish work with state agencies that have the potential to become closed PODs to increase the percentage of New Mexicans served.


  • Local and regional community based organizations
  • New Mexico Department of Health
  • New Mexico Department of Corrections 
  • Planning organizations
  • Local/Tribal Governments
  • Kirtland Air Force Base
  • Cannon Air Force Base
  • Holloman Air Force Base
  • University of New Mexico
  • NM State University
  • NM Public Schools
  • NM Emergency Management organizations
  • NM Pharmacy Association
  • NM State Police
  • NM Public Education Department
  • NM Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
  • NM Department of Transportation

What Works

  • Establish closed POD partners within state government agencies to ensure organizations are capable of continuing operations
  • Identify community-based entities that have a large service population  
  • Improve and increase the population percentage covered by increasing outreach activities
  • Closed POD information videos
  • Designated stations for screening and collecting basic medical information
  • Areas that educate patients about potentially threatening communicable diseases and provide information on prevention approaches
  • Designated areas for dispensing medications


  • Establishing/expanding the number of organizations that support POD operations in NM.
  • Increasing collaboration with local, state and tribal governments to improve/expand the population percentage covered across the state. 
  • Searching for entities and communities that employ and/or serve a substantial number of individuals that will make the closed POD operational concept resource efficient.
  • Meetings with above-mentioned entities to discuss and promote the advantages of closed POD partnering for their community, families, employees, and/or critical vendors and contractors.
  • Establishing formal agreements that ensure the execution of distribution and dispensing operations take place expeditiously and according to guidelines set forth by public health authorities.
  • Developing Closed POD Plans specific to entities and ensure the most efficient use of internal resources, and providing channels and processes for attainment of equipment/supplies from external entities and agencies.

Action Plan

  • Q1: Serve 12.2% of population by doing outreach to other state agencies to identify critical staff and provide a census of their respective staff, family members, and critical contractors for the purpose of developing state agency closed PODs. That letter was distributed. Completed.  
  • Q2: Serve 13.0% of population by doing outreach to Department of Corrections. Provide a draft closed POD agreement using the in-house population and facility staff. This target will reach NM’s resident incarcerated population. Completed.
  • Q3: Serve 14.0% of population by conducting a workshop to make sure closed POD planning is completed in state agencies to include family members. Completed. 
  • Q4: Serve 15.0% of population by completing work with Department of Corrections to finalize closed POD planning for the incarcerated population and facility staff.

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