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Brain Injury Program (BIP)

Percent of people who graduated from the Brain Injury Program (BIP) rehabilitation program

Current Value





Story Behind the Curve

The Vermont Brain Injury Program (BIP) serves Medicaid eligible Vermonters with moderate to severe traumatic brain injuries in community-based settings. The program supports people to achieve an optimum level of independence and to return to work. Maximize individuals’ potential while assisting them to make the necessary connections in the community for a successful transition back to independent living. The nature and severity of injuries and disability is the biggest factor in determining if a person will graduate to independence or to ongoing long- term services.


Brain injury providers; family members; outpatient therapists; Division of Vocational Rehabilitation; community businesses; local housing authorities; health care providers

What Works

Comprehensive team with holistic approach; quarterly team meetings; connect with community resources; make or maintain natural connections in the community to create a circle of support

Action Plan

Brain injury service provider meetings with individuals and their teams to ensure goals are met; track progress; support effective transitions to independence.

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