% of drinking water calls returned within two working days
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
Last Updated: January 2023
Author: Toxicological Sciences Program, Vermont Department of Health
Environmental Health Division staffs a drinking water hotline where callers can access technical assistance for the operation and maintenance of their home wells or spring or ask questions about the safety of their public water supplier. Callers ask for recommended testing for bacteria and microorganisms, chemicals, radionuclides, options and guidelines for water treatment, and assistance in finding information about wells, financial assistance, laws and regulations, etc.
Well owners, renters, town health officers, lawyers, realtors, plumbers, well drillers, hydrogeologists, regulators.
What Works
Our Senior Water Resources Engineer is typically able to identify and present solutions to drinking water and water resources related problems. The engineer is often fielding phone calls, conecting the caller with the appropriate partner, organization or state agency. Town Health Officers and other officials can reach the engineer via the hotline and get assistance when dealing with Rental Housing Code enforcement concerning drinking water.