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Environmental Health


% of chemical-specific assessments completed within agreed upon time frame of requestor

Current Value


Q4 2023


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Story Behind the Curve

Last Updated: January 2023

Author: Toxicological Sciences Program, Vermont Department of Health

The Radiological and Toxicological Sciences Program conducts numerous chemical assessments ranging from single chemical, single pathway assessments to complex, multi-chemical, multi-pathway risk analyses. Examples include development of mercury based fish consumption advisories, site/scenario specific assessments and derivation of use pattern appropriate remediation goals including PCBs in schools, vapor intrusion of chlorinated solvents from contaminated groundwater plumes into surrounding residences and businesses (e.g., daycares), persistent herbicides in compost, large scale alleged misapplication of pesticides in a southern county and recommendations for pesticides used in aquatic nuisance control, mosquito control and right of way vegetation management. A multitude of risk-based, chemical specific soil screening values, drinking water guidance values and ambient air concentrations are developed for use.



Department of Environmental Conservation Sites Management Section and Brownfields Response Program, Regional Planning Commissions, Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets and environmental consultants.

What Works

Our State Toxicologist and State Risk Assessor conduct comprehensive research in the scientific literature to arrive at health-based recommendations for our partners. Our performance curve shows 100% completion each calendar quarter because we are required to deliver the recommendations when we take on the assignment for our partners. Our partners in government use our recommendations to create or revise regulations or clean-up standards.

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