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Job Seeker Services: To implement strong customer-focused practices with 70% sustainable employment placement rate

% of participants employed after six months

Current Value


Q2 2020



Story Behind the Curve

Why is this measure important?  

This measure is important to monitor the number of sustainable employment obtained through various customer-focused programs and services to better inform the effectiveness of the workforce system.    

Analysis of Contributing and Restricting Factors 

Contributing factors:

  • Maryland Workforce Exchange (MWE) database is developed for data capture
  • Good procedures and sytems in place for documenting customer case notes.
  • Experienced staff and strong partnerships

Restricting factors:

  • Requires labor intensive follow-up strategies. 
  • Data results are dependent on employee self-reporting that may not be substantiated
  • No system in place to acccurately capture employment placements of other entities beyond WSM



  1. CBO and non-profit partners providing employment barrier supports and security
  2. Training entities that close the skills gap
  3. Employers providing opportunities for a range of employment

What Works

Successful practices occur through strong and individualized case management systems.  Each job seeker is assigned a career specialist or referred to the appropriate partner agency to provide the needed supports towards sustainable employment.  Services must be comprehensive and consistent through job placement and follow-up to ensure sustainable employment.

Action Plan

  1.  Continue to collect and follow-up with customers that have recieved direct services from WSM
  2. Convene partner entitites and encourage data share strategies for a more comprehensive understanding of job placement rates
  3. Continue to engage employers with opportunites at a sustainable wage to enhance long-term employment
  4. Convene and align training programs with the in-demand opportunties

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