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Employer Services: To increase employer engagement and career pathway partnerships in strategic industries

In-demand employment occupancy placement rate

Current Value


Q2 2020



Story Behind the Curve

Why is this measure important?  

This measure is important to assess the placement rate for in-demand opportunties within our strategic industry sectors.  This information will inform talent development strategies enhancing economic competitiveness.    

Analysis of Contributing and Restricting Factors 

Contributing factors:

  • Labor market data tools such as Jobs EQ indicate curent job postings and duration of posting for real time data input
  • Collaboration with Economic Development organization to support business retention and attraction strategies
  • Experienced staff and strong partnerships

Restricting factors:

  • Requires labor intensive follow-up strategies. 
  • Data results are dependent on employer self-reporting that may not be substantiated
  • No system in place to acccurately employment placement rate outcomes of other entities beyond WSM


Strategic partnerships are critical partners in engaging employers in workforce development programs including DLLR, DORS, the Maryland Department of Commerce, Montgomery County Government, local chambers of commerce, economic development entities, industry associations, community-based organizations, faith-based organizations and an outstanding system of college, university and training entities.

What Works

Targeted recruitng events that focus on specific opportunties and strong vetting of candidates to ensure rapid and accurate placement.

Outreach to strategic industry to share this free service

Work/learn programs

Action Plan

Enhance customized and incumbent worker programs

Enhance apprenticeship programs

Build a systemic approach for employment reporting to better capture employment rate.

Clear Impact Suite is an easy-to-use, web-based software platform that helps your staff collaborate with external stakeholders and community partners by utilizing the combination of data collection, performance reporting, and program planning.

Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy