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Family Planning

Family Planning - GCI

Family Planning

# of individuals receiving free or low-cost family planning services through Health Department-sponsored programs

Current Value


Q2 2022



Story Behind the Curve

Last Updated: February 2023

                                                                                  Author: Division of Maternal and Child Health, Vermont Department of Health

No new data at this time. Data will be available soon.

The Title X Family Planning program was enacted in 1970 as Title X of the Public Health Service Act (Public Law 91-572 Population Research and Voluntary Family Planning Programs). Title X is the only federal grant program dedicated solely to providing individuals with comprehensive family planning and related preventive health services. Nationally, Title X-supported clinics provide a number of related preventive health services such as: patient education and counseling; breast and pelvic examinations; breast and cervical cancer screening according to nationally recognized standards of care; sexually transmitted disease (STD) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) prevention education, counseling, testing and referral; and pregnancy diagnosis and counseling. 

In April 2022, the Vermont Department of Health rejoined the Title X program after leaving in August 2019 due to barriers created by the Federal Rule at the time. Planned Parenthood of Northern New England (PPNNE) provides Title X services across 7 health centers in Vermont. 

The overarching goal of Vermont's family planning program is to provide high quality clinical family planning and related preventive health services, education, and counseling to Vermonters who would otherwise not have access, with a special focus on lower-income populations. Specifically, Vermont's program seeks to:

  • Reduce unintended pregnancies in Vermont
  • Improve access to a broad range of effective contraceptive methods
  • Provide access to emergency contraceptive services
  • Reduce sexually transmitted diseases
  • Promote healthy relationships, healthy sexual behaviors and strengthen community capacity to promote positive reproductive health


What Works

There is strong evidence attesting to the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of publicly funded family planning services, providing significant cost savings to taxpayers. In 2010, this investment resulted in net government savings of $13.6 billion, or $7.09 for every public dollar spent that would have been spent on Medicaid costs related to pregnancy care and delivery and to infants in their first year of life.  These calculations do not measure the broader health, social or economic benefits of enabling women to time or prepare for their pregnancies.


Action Plan

  • Continue to work with family planning service providers to ensure access to free or low cost services for low income Vermonters.
  • Continue to support the use of best practice approaches related to contraceptive options, with an emphasis on methods that are most effective, long acting reversible contraceptives (LARC).
  • Support the education and outreach efforts of family planning partners on related preventive health issues and services, preconception health counselling and reproductive life planning.

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