Percentage of Participants with One or More Goal Met by Annual Review or Exit from Program
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
- Higher level of need for support around families' basic needs can get in the way of achieving established goals.
- Data reporting (team members use of database to input accurate/timely data regarding goals achieved).
- Staff skills (team members have become more skilled at writing achievable goals, following up with families to assess progress and use CIS database, and making adjustments as appropriate).
- CIS Team. Parents/Families/Guardians. Therapists - SLP/PT/OT.
- Community partners involved with goal development and achievement - schools, housing resources, Head Start, Lamoille County Mental Health, State programs, child care programs, CAPSTONE, EEE.
What Works
- Families are engaged in goal setting based on their individual needs and strengths.
- Development of realistic goals - attainable.
- Team members provide follow up support - assist with steps to achieving goals, review progress, celebrate successes, adjust as needed.
- Team members build trusted relationships with families.
Action Plan
- Team members continue to enter data in a timely and accurate manner.
- Provide team members with training on goal setting. Action taken: Goal setting reviewed monthly during reflective supervision.
- Early Interventionists continue to develop draft menu of goals and share with team when ready.
- The CIS team will create a menu of goals.
- Explore implementation of an evidence based home visiting curriculum.
- Continue to adjust the CIS data system to accurately capture data needed for this measure.
- Ensure each One Plan has at least one attainable goal.
- Add new category in the database for families exiting as lost to follow-up.
- Be more aware of short-term goals.