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Children's Integrated Services

Percentage of Participants with One or More Goal Met by Annual Review or Exit from Program

Current Value


2 2022



Story Behind the Curve

    • Higher level of need for support around families' basic needs can get in the way of achieving established goals.
    • Data reporting (team members use of database to input accurate/timely data regarding goals achieved).
    • Staff skills (team members have become more skilled at writing achievable goals, following up with families to assess progress and use CIS database, and making adjustments as appropriate).


    • CIS Team. Parents/Families/Guardians. Therapists - SLP/PT/OT.
    • Community partners involved with goal development and achievement - schools, housing resources, Head Start, Lamoille County Mental Health, State programs, child care programs, CAPSTONE, EEE.

    What Works

    • Families are engaged in goal setting based on their individual needs and strengths.
    • Development of realistic goals - attainable.
    • Team members provide follow up support - assist with steps to achieving goals, review progress, celebrate successes, adjust as needed.
    • Team members build trusted relationships with families.

    Action Plan

    • Team members continue to enter data in a timely and accurate manner.
    • Provide team members with training on goal setting. Action taken: Goal setting reviewed monthly during reflective supervision.
    • Early Interventionists continue to develop draft menu of goals and share with team when ready.
    • The CIS team will create a menu of goals.
    • Explore implementation of an evidence based home visiting curriculum.
    • Continue to adjust the CIS data system to accurately capture data needed for this measure.
    • Ensure each One Plan has at least one attainable goal.
    • Add new category in the database for families exiting as lost to follow-up.
    • Be more aware of short-term goals.

    Clear Impact Suite is an easy-to-use, web-based software platform that helps your staff collaborate with external stakeholders and community partners by utilizing the combination of data collection, performance reporting, and program planning.

    Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy