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Department of Mental Health and 5 more... less...

Department of Mental Health

Department of Mental Health (DMH)

Emergency Services (ES)

HV 2020 DMH

Emergency Mental Health for Children and Adults (29)

Percentage of people receiving non-emergency services within 7 days of emergency services

Current Value


FYQ3 2024


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve



Notes on Methodology

Based on Monthly Service Report (MSR) data submitted by Designated Agencies for mental health programs to the State of Vermont Department of Mental Health. Emergency services are operationally defined as emergency/crisis assessment, support and referral under any program of service or assignment (service code "G01" in the MSR). Non-emergency services are operationally defined as services other than emergency/crisis or assessment, support and referral under crisis bed services for any program of service or assignment. Time is calculated from the last emergency service at a DA during the quarter to the first non-emergency service across the DA system.

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy