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# of volunteer hours

Current Value


Jun 2022


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Story Behind the Curve

FY 20/21: February 2021 saw a spike in our volunteer hours. The easing of restrictions meant the return of regular staff to the office, and new volunteering opportunities. Numbers steadily increased to our pre-Covid average until the June/July 2021 stay-at-home orders, at which point our regular staff were abruptly forced back into working-from-home conditions, with volunteering opportunities brought to a screeching halt for the foreseeable future.

FY 19/20: Our volunteer hours remained relatively steady until March 2020, at which point Covid-19 restrictions meant having to close our doors to the general public and non-regular staff. While there were a few opportunities for volunteers to assist us remotely, most of the volunteer hours from March 2020 until February 2021 were in respect to Board of Governance meetings.

Q3 2018: The difference in the total number of volunteers' hours in this quarter compared to the previous quarter is quite significant with the last quarter being higher by 87 points. In this quarter, it is July when we’ve had the highest number of volunteers' hours, and August the lowest. July was the highest because a Board of Governance meeting and a Board Sub-committee meeting were held, whereas, in August, only a Board Sub-committee meeting was held. 

Q2 2018: The difference in the total number of volunteers' hours in this quarter compared to the previous quarter is reasonably higher with the last quarter being lower by 179 points. In this quarter, it is May when we’ve had the highest number of volunteers' hours, and June the lowest. May was the highest because a Board of Governance meeting and a Tx! Mag mail out were held, whereas in June, only a Tx! Mag mail out was held. 

Q1 2018: There was a minimal decrease in the number of volunteers' hours this quarter compared to the previous quarter, the last quarter was higher by only 9 points. In this quarter, it is February when we’ve had the highest number of volunteers' hours, and January the lowest. February was the highest as the Finance Audit Risk and Compliance (FARC) Sub-committee and Board of Governance meetings were held, whereas in January, as many of our volunteers have kids at home during the school holidays, they were unable to volunteer for us.

Q4 2017: The decrease in number of volunteers' hours this quarter is quite significant (Q4 being 447 points lower than Q3), with November being the month we have had the highest number of volunteers in this quarter and December the month we have had the lowest number of volunteers this year. This was because of the Hepatitis Annual General meeting held in November, as well as the office closure over Christmas and New Year's in December. 

Q3 2017:  The increase in the number of volunteers' hours this quarter (with July numbers being the highest so far this year) compared to the previous quarter is due to the Hepatitis Awareness Week and World Hepatitis Day events Hepatitis NSW held; this includes the mail out of resources for these events. We also had a well-attended Board of Governance meeting in July. 

Q2 2017: The increase in the number of volunteers' hours this quarter compared to the last one is because we had four Board of Governance meetings (two in April, one in May and one in June), as well as Tx! Mag mail out (in June). Whereas in the last quarter we only had one Board of Governance meeting (in February) and there were no mail outs required.

Q1 2017: The decrease in the number of volunteers' hours in January and March when compared to December 2016 and February 2017 is because we didn't have any mail outs or Board meetings during these months. Also, January is usually a quiet month with many people still on holidays. As per the increase in numbers of volunteers' hours in February, it's because we had the Tx! Mag mail out, as well as two Board meetings - Board of Governance general meeting and the FACR sub-committee meeting.


Q4 2016: The increase in the number of volunteers' hours in this quarter, especially in November is because of an increase on Admin volunteers hours, as we had new volunteers recruited to assist the Information and Communication team with the Website Directory and also with the Communications Campaign Data Entry Project (new project). We also noticed an increase in the Volunteers Counselors' hours during this period. We also had two Board meetings (October and November) and HNSW AGM happening in November. The number of volunteers hours decreased in December, as it was a shorter month (HNSW office was closed for one week during Christmas and New Year's).

Q3 2016: The decrease in the number of volunteers' hours in July and August if compared to May and June is because we did not have any mail out during these months, and we had only one Board of Governance meeting, that happened in July. As per the increase in numbers of volunteers' hours in September, it is because we had the Tx! mag mail out, as well as two meetings - Board of Governance general meeting as well as the FACR sub-committee meeting.

Q2 2016: The increase in the number of volunteers' hours in May and June 2016 is due to the Transmission Magazine and Hep Review Mail Out, that took place in May and June. We also had an increase in numbers of Admin volunteers' hours in May and June 2016 due to an ongoing campaign organized by Paul Harvey (website Directory update), which involved volunteers calling pharmacies and GPs. Furthermore, we also had two Board Meetings - General Board of Governance meeting (in June) and the FACR sub-committee meeting (in May).


Q1 2016: The increase in volunteers' hours in February 2016 is due to the Hep Review and Transmission Magazines Mail Out, that took place last month. And the increase in hours in March 2016 is due to a campaign that Paul Harvey was organising, which involved volunteers calling the pharmacies we have on our database to follow up on the new medicines available for Hep C treatment.

Q4 2015: In the last three months we can see a slight decline in number of volunteers' hours from month to month, and the reason for that is that things tend to slow down when we reach the end of the year (usually we do not hold any big events or tasks that require volunteers during December).

Q3 2015: July presents a higher number of volunteers' hours and this is because we hosted a C-me Training, on 18 and 19 July 2015. August and September volunteers' hours are the average numbers expected per month.

Q2 2015: The increase in the number of volunteers' hours, especially in June 2015, is due to three events that have happened in the last three months, such as Board of Governance Training, Hep Review and Transmission Magazines Mail Out.

Q1 2015: The increase in number of volunteers' hours is due to different events that have happened in the last three months, such as: Board of Governance Training, Editorial Committee meeting, C-een & Heard Training, New Let's Talk volunteers and Hep Review mail out.

Q4 2014: The difference in number of volunteers' hours in December is due to the Festive Season and Holidays. In October the reason for an increase in the number of volunteer's hours is due to an Admin mail out (AGM Notice) and the number of hours worked by Let's Talk Volunteers.

Q3 2014: The difference in the number of volunteers' hours is due to a mailing out of Hep Review in July 2014. August and September show a regular number of volunteers' hours.


Volunteers and team leaders.

What Works

Planning prior to event and sufficient supervision.

Action Plan

Ensuring that all staff understand the process of recruiting and allocating volunteers' tasks.

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