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Hep Connect

# of clients reporting participation in the Hep Connect program was instrumental for their treatment journey

Current Value


Sep 2024


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Story Behind the Curve

Q3 2020

An avarage of 4 clients per month, during this quarter have reported that the HepConnect program is instrumental in their treatment journey. One client provided his consent to use his quote to reflect on the service when he contacted us to report he received his result, achieving SVR: 

‘Thank you so much from the deepest depth of my heart for your help. I got my SVR results today – I am now hep C fee. Thank you and your organisation! I could not have done it without your support and will recommend it to anyone.’

Tony, Hep Connect client, 27 July 2020.

Q2 2020

An avarage of 9 clients per month reported that the HepConnect program is instrumental in their treatment journey

Q1 2020:

In this first quarter of 2020, all 13 clients have reported that the Hep Connect program has played a major roll in their treatment adherence to cure hep C.

Q4 2019:

All 8 clients have reported to either their nurse and/or the HNSW Hep Connect Project Officer that they are grateful for the support and completely satisfied with the level and frequency of treatment support.

Q3 2019:

The first client to engage in new Hep Connect Treatment Support Program started treatment at the end of August.  The client reported to her hepatology nurse that the SMS text message reminders were practical and timely and helped her to stay on track with her treatment, toward cure. 

Q2 2019:

The Hep Connect Program was undergoing a restructure with the fully operational launch of the new program predicated for the end of August 2019.

Q1 2019:

All client's supported by a Hep Connect peer engaged in DAA treatment, completed treatement and reached SVR 12 & 24, respectively. This success result demomstrates the integral function of peer support and that it is instrumental in underpinning their client's treatment journey.

Q4 2018:

All clients supported throughout the final quarter of 2018 reported the Hep Connect program was instrumental in their treatment journey.

Q3 2018:

The third quarter's client feedback demonstrates a 100% avarage that the Hep Connect program was instrumental in their treatment journey from people engaged in the program.

Q2 2018:

Reports from clients in the 2nd quarter demonstrated peer support provided them with the lived experience knowledge to guide them through treatment adherence and completion.

Q1 2018:

All clients in this quarter report their engagement and adherence in the hep C cure was largely due to their peer support workers. Additionally,  clients reaching the 12 week post treatment blood tests report they have achieved Sustained Virologic Response (SVR 12) cured their hep C. 

Q4 2017:

Clients participating in the Hep Connect program throughout the final quarter of 2017 reported the peer support program was a critical factor throughout their treatment journey and the successful elimination of their hep C virus. 

Q3 2017:

All clients engaged in the Hep Connect program reported a supportive and positive outcomes to their treatment experience.

Q2 2017:

100% of clients reported throughout 2016-17 the Hep Connect program was instrumental for them to start and adhering to the direct acting antiviral treatment.

Q1 2017:

All clients contacted in the first quarter of 2017 delivered feed supporting that the peer support program provided integral information that supported their decision to start treatment and was instrumental in treatment adherence through to completion.

Q4 2016:

Feedback from clients supported by peer support workers reported that the Hep Connect program was instrumental in the acquisition of knowledge and supported their autonomy and self determination to start and adhere to the new HCV treatment between October and December 2016.

Q3 2016:

All client's reported that the professional and information based support received from their peer workers has been invaluable to their treatment and recovery journey.

Q2 2016:

The successful completion of the annual Hep Connect training in May has provided the peer worker with the latest up-to-date new DAA treatment information. As well as this all peer workers receive ongoing support from the project officer, social media information on the latest treatment development to assist them to most adequately support and educate their clients on treatment expectations and the importance of treatment adherence. This increase in knowledge demonstrates an increasing professional service delivery reflected in the 100% positive feedback.

Q1 2016:

The percentage of clients who report an increase in knowledge around treatment remains at a steady 100%. Peer workers have been receiving a steady supply of the latest FAQ updates as they come to hand as well as updates to the Hepatitis NSW online resources to keep their knowledge current. In turn this process has increased the clients' health and treatment literacy as well as their autonomy and self-determination to access the new treatment with greater confidence.

Q4 2015:

October saw a reported ‘increase in knowledge’ attributed to the skill base and lived experience of our Hep Connect workers supporting individuals with access to the new treatment medication. November experienced a slight decline by 4% which was primarily due to greater need for support rather than new information seeking which in December reached a high of 100% again due to the need for information support on the availability of personally funded new treatment medication.

Q3 2015:

In August half of the clients surveyed were undergoing current treatment, this may account for the decrease in those reporting an increase in knowledge as many of them would have significant knowledge around treatment and it's side effects.

In September we exceeded our target and reached 100%. We had one client report "It is so valuable having someone who understands me and can relate to how I am feeling each day. John knows the challenges I go through daily having hepatitis C".

Q2 2015:

We met and exceeded our targets for this quarter with 100% of our clients reporting an increase in knowledge around treatment for hepatitis C.

Q1 2015:

100% of our clients have reported an increase in knowledge around treatment issues. Most client, when they phone, are hesitant to begin treatment due to fear of side effects or other reasons, but after talking to a peer worker, some have decided to start treatment. Clients on treatment have reported increase in knowledge especially around side effects and coping mechanism.

Q4 2014:

100% of clients reported an increase in knowledge around treatment. HepConnect staff have been through treatment. Most of our clients want to hear from someone who has been through treatment. Staff members who have been through treatment are personally and professionally trained in regards to hep C and treatment. Trained staff members know how to handle questions very well and know latest information around treatment.

Q3 2014:

Some clients are on medication so they have some basic knowledge around treatment, what they lack is first hand experience and this is fulfilled by speaking to someone who has lived experience. HepConnect causal staff members offer hands on experience that is why we have clients reporting 100% increase in knowledge around treatment.Staff members can also tackle information on new treatments as they are trained and receive quarterly newsletters so are kept up to date. Casual staff members are briefed before and after the call.


People living with hepatitis c, Liver clinics, AOD centres, NSPs, Homeless Services, Aboriginal medical services, youth centres.

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