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Hep Connect

# of clients that completed treatment this month

Current Value


Sep 2024


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Story Behind the Curve

Q3 2020

In this quarter four clients achieved SVR and one client completed treatment

Q2 2020

In this quarter four clients completed treatment and two clients achieved SVR

Q1 2020

January and March saw the highest number, 3 clients each, complete their treatment this quarter. A trend reflecting that all clients entering into the program in the previous quarter, according to their treatment duration, completed their treatment in this quarter.

Q4 2019

Four people completed treatment this quarter.  All people were cured of hep C. 

Q3 2019:

The new Hep Connect program has seen one client start and complete her medication since the launch of the program at the end of August.

Q2 2019:

The Hep Connect Program was undergoing a restructure with the fully operational launch of the new program predicated for the end of August 2019.

Q1 2019:

The peer support program has supported every client into treatment all the way to SVR testing reminders. So far every client supported in the Hep Connect program has reported that they have achieved SVR 12 and SVR 24 and attribute their cure success to their peer's regular support.

Q4 2018:

Every client engaged in the Hep Connect program reported that without the support of their peers they could not imagine how they would have managed to navigate treatment access and adherence. 

Q3 2018:

All clients reported a 100% satisfaction that the calls made by their peers were supportive and instrumental in their treatment journey.

Q2 2018:

Clients reporting the Hep Connect program was instumental in their recovery from hep C reamins consistent at 100%.

Q1 2018:

Clients reported in this quarter that the peer support program was instrumental in curing their hep C. Up to 80% of this quarters clients are so impressed with the Hep Connect service they interested in joining the 2018 Hep Connect training to support others in their treatment journey.

Q4 2017:

This quarter all clients reported the Hep Connect program underpinned their success in accessing, adhering and completing their DAA treatment.

Q3 2017:

Clients deliver consistent feedback that the support from the peer worker was instrumental in accessing and adhering to DAA treatment. Peers check in with their clients at 12 and 24 weeks after completion of treatment for successful hepatitis C treatment outcome referred to as a sustained viral response (SVR).

Q2 2017:

Feedback from clients throughout 2016-17 demonstrates the Hep Connect program was instrumental in making the decision to start and subsequent treatment journey.

Q1 2017:

In the first quarter of 2017 clients reported that the peer support they received during their HCV treatment initiation was instrumental to their treatment adherence.

Q4 2016:

The final quarter of 2016 demonstrated that all clients engaged in the Hep Connect program benefited from the peer support and their knowledge increased around accessing the new direct acting antiviral medication.

Q3 2016:

100% of new clients have reported that the Hep Connect service was instrumental for them in accessing the direct acting antiviral (DAAs).

Q2 2016:

Clients continue to value the Hep Connect service as one, and at times the only service supporting them from a person centered perspective throughout their recovery journey which is reflected in the 100% positive feedback that the service was relevant to them and their circumstances.

Q1 2016:

The percentage of clients reporting the call was relevant for them and their circumstances is at a steady 100% indicating that the peer support workers' contribution to the client's circumstances is a critical in their recovery process.

Q4 2015:

The quarterly call-back to clients strongly reflected one caller’s response “the service has been so beneficial because I am speaking with someone who understands”. This statement supports the theme that the support worker’s lived experience is an invaluable commodity to those enduring a debilitating illness underpinned by stigma, isolation and the compromising side effects associated with the currently available treatment.

Q3 2015:

We continue to exceed our target on this measure, this is most likely due to the fact that our service takes a client centered approach. Each peer worker has direct experience of treatment and are trained in supporting individual clients whether they are considering treatment, currently undergoing treatment or post treatment.

One of our clients reported when asked if the call was relevant to them- "Absolutely, it is an isolating illness due to the stigma attached to contracting the virus. Out of everything that has been offered to me,this service has been the best support".

Q2 2015:

We have met and exceeded our target this quarter, each client who accessed the service reported that the call was relevant to them and their circumstances at the time.

Q1 2015:

100 % relevance reported by clients. Clients call us and wish to be connected with someone with lived experience of hepatitis C: and in doing so are connected with experienced and professionally trained peers.

Q4 2014:

100 % of calls made were relevant to client's circumstances.Our clients wanted to hear from someone living with hep C who had gone through treatment.

Q3 2014:

100% of calls are relevant for our clients circumstances as they are all living with hep C and want to hear from someone who has had lived experience.


People living with hepatitis c.

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