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Hep Connect


# of Perx app clients completed treatment since May 2021 (was # of SMS sent)

Current Value


Aug 2024


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Story Behind the Curve

Q3 2020

In this quarter we can see a decline in client enrolments reflected in the reminder messages delivered; a total of 146. The treatment reminder messages over the past three months averages at 49 messages per month. Again, the majority of messages programmed we’re daily reminders to take the treatment as well as script collection and SVR reminders.

Q2 2020

During the second quarter we delivered a total of 212 treatment reminder messages over the three months, an average of 71 messages per month. The majority of messages programmed we’re daily reminders to take the treatment as well as script collection and SVR reminders.

Q1 2020: 

With an increase of 6 clients, 4 of these requiring daily reminders, in addition to existing client's requirements this quarter has seen 287 messeges sent, an avarage of 96 per month and an increase of a total of 141 from last quarter; or 47 per month.

Q4 2019:

146 SMS text reminders were sent in the final quarter of 2019. The majority were scheduled and delivered to 3 clients who requested notifications to collect their next round of medication and daily reminders to take their DAAs.  Daily reminder messages boosted the total number of messages considerably as per increases noted in November and December, 2019. 

Q3 2019:

Since starting operations at the end of August 2019, the new Hep Connect Treatment Support Program delivered 16 SMS text message reminders to 3 individuals that started the hep C DAA treatment  this quarter.

Q2 2019:

The Hep Connect Program was undergoing a restructure with the fully operational launch of the new program predicated for the end of August 2019.

Q1 2019:

Peers have been successful in building a support routine with clients which is reflected in the reports that all calls occured as planned.

Q4 2018:

in the final quarter of 2018 all calls were conducted as planned.

Q3 2018:

In general the avarage of all calls made by the peer workers remains close to 100% except or a few calls where clients were at medical engagements and an alternative call time was arranged and met by the client.

Q2 2018:

This quarter's report on calls occuring as planned returns to 100% demonstrating although clients made changes to the original schedules; they did so through pre-planning alternative arrangements with their peer workers.

Q1 2018:

Client contact as planned remained consistent over the past quarter.

Q4 2017:

Peer workers maintained a steady average of calls occurring as planned. As with the third quarter, calls were rescheduled, when necessary around client’s local health services appointments.

Q3 2017:

This quarter peer workers maintained scheduled calls as planned with exception where clients, at the time of the call, were engaged with local support services. Peers were able to reschedule calls that were then received by clients.

Q2 2017:

The majority of calls to Hep Connect clients occurred as planned. Only a few workers’ clients medical appointments required some calls to be rescheduled toward the end of the second half of 2016-17

Q1 2017:

In the first quarter of the year peer support workers were able to manage their client calls around their client's needs

Q4 2016:

Peer support calls were conducted as planned except for one occasion in each of the past 3 months where client calls were re-scheduled.

Q3 2016:

The number of calls occurred as planned remained steady at 100% due to peer support workers and client's effective communication. September experienced one client not being able to be reached due to unrelated medical issues early in the month which were resolved and peer contact continued as planned.

Q2 2016:

The planned delivery of calls delivered as planned continuous at 100%. The successful completion of the annual Hep Connect training in May has demonstrated an increasing professional service delivery where the responsibility and commitment to the timely delivery of calls are forged as an equal partnership between client and peer worker.

Q1 2016:

The number of calls that occurred as planned remains at 100% with feedback that such as "these are scary times form me after waiting so long for this new treatment. I don't know how I would have made it this far without knowing that my peer was calling me the same day each week. Thank you!"

Q4 2015:

The average number of clients supported during this quarter remains at 7 with the majority requiring support through their choice to delay current treatment, considering personally financing or to hold out for news of and subsequent access to government funded new treatment.

Q3 2015:

We have continued to exceed our target for this measure for this quarter. A reason we attribute to this is our peer workers being so flexible with their time which supports service delivery meeting the needs of each individual client. We continue to maintain a client centered approach in the delivery of this service.

Q2 2015:

We have continued to maintain 100% rate for client calls occurring when planned. We consult with our clients around the times that suit them to call which supports us to maintain these percentages.

Q1 2015:

We have maintained 100% of our clients calls occurring as planned: most clients tell us when they want to be phoned. When called, they have a choice to change the times and re-arrange call time.

Q4 2014:

100% of our calls are still occurring as planned. The steps followed after a referral are working very well. Our trained , professional casual workers know that our projects are client centered.The casual staff members are allocated clients according to their availability and as per client's request.

Q3 2014:

100% of all our calls occur as planned. Project officer is informed as soon as Hepconnect call enrollment happens. The project officer promptly identifies a suitable staff member available and allocates the call. Calls are made within the requested time.


People living with hep C.

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Clear Impact Suite is an easy-to-use, web-based software platform that helps your staff collaborate with external stakeholders and community partners by utilizing the combination of data collection, performance reporting, and program planning.

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