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Hep Connect


# of Perx app clients since May 2021 (was # of clients)

Current Value


Aug 2024


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

Q3 2020

Due to the decrease in testing of clients we have seen a slight decline in new enrolments in the HepConnect program during this quarter.

Q2 2020

We have seen an avarage of 9 clients across the three months of this quarter enroled in the HepConnect program

Q1 2020:

In the first quarter of 2020 Hep Connect program gained 6 new clients 4 from the Mid North Coast and 2 from Western Sydney (The Storr Liver Clinic, Westmead Hospital). An email to NSWLHD hepatology nurses promoting and looking at the possibility of widening the the program support scope to include health and hygene messages as well  as influenza vaccination reminders to existing and future DAA patients.

Q4 2019:

The final quarter of 2019 saw a healthy increase of 5 clients referred into the Hep Connect program. These clients were referred from the Mid North Coast x 1 (Port Macquarie), Western Sydney x 2 (The Storr Liver Clinic, Westmead Hospital) and Western NSW x 2 (Kite Street Clinic, Orange Liver Clinic, Orange) LHDs.

Q3 2019:

In the third quarter of this calendar year the new Hep Connect Treatment Support Program was launched. One client at the end of August and two clients in September were referred into the program by their hepatology nurses.  They have been actively engaged in the program and are predicted to remain until their SVR (a blood test that demonstrates treatment success and cure), in the first quarter of 2020.

Q2 2019:

The Hep Connect Program was undergoing a restructure with the fully operational launch of the new program predicated for the end of August 2019.

Q1 2019:

A gradual increase in support enquiries is expected to continue and be reflected in the results in the coming months.

Q4 2018:

The final quarter of 2018 saw the completion of support for a number of clients and due to the holiday and festive season no further clients were signed up to the program over this period.

Q3 2018:

An average of 5 clients oveer the third quarter were supported through their treatment journey.

Q2 2018:

The consistant service remains at 6 clients, some new, replacing those who have completed treatment during this time.

Q1 2018:

An avarage of 6 clients were supported through their treatment journey, on a regular basis, during this quarter.

Q4 2017:

The number of Hep Connect clients remained at an average of 6 throughout the last quarter of 2017.

Q3 2017:

This quarter sees an average of 6 clients being supported through their treatment journey.

Q2 2017:

The number of clients receiving support from a Hep Connect worker remained consistent in the second half of 2016-17

Q1 2017:

Client support is steady at 6 clients this quarter with a turnover of 3 clients completing treatment and 3 new clients seeking support at their treatment engagement stage.

Q4 2016:

Peer workers continue to 7 support individuals throughout their decision to engage and adhere to the new treatment between October and December 2016.

Q3 2016:

In the past quarter the number of clients has steadily increased for individuals who report that they are lacking social and/or family support.

Q2 2016:

In the month of May and June we have witnessed a steady increase in the number of Infoline callers seeking the support of peer workers to support them throughout their treatment experience. A continuous number of new clients have reported that their decision to attempt non-interferon treatment, for the first time in their lives, is not one they would or could have made without the Hep Connect support worker’s informed lived experience, empathetic and non-judgmental and approach.

Q1 2016:

The current number of clients is 5 for the month of March which reflects a decrease by 1 client per month since December 2016. This decline is due to previous clients' confidence gained from the peer support to either autonomously accessing the new treatment medication and/or choosing to access the peer support at greater intervals with the knowledge that the peer support is available to them if and when they need it.


Q3 2015:

We are supporting an average of 7 clients per month since June. We have provided some one off calls in August and September to clients seeking specific support and information around new treatments. These clients have been encouraged to re-engage when they are ready to start treatment or if they need any support in the interim while we wait for the listing of new treatments on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.

Q2 2015:

Exceeded target for number of clients for the financial year. Target: 96, Delivered: 100. New project worker recruited commencing 29th June 2015.

Q1 2015:

A steady number of 7 was maintained in January and February. In March we saw a decrease in number of clients to 6. However, the number of clients does not reflect the occasions of service. We always deliver more calls as most clients request to be called back anytime they need the service.

Q4 2014:

This month we have seen a rise in the number of clients . We are expecting a increase in the coming months due to the increased reach through face to face marketing at Liver clinics and homeless centres. HepConnect dependency on Infoline is reducing.


Our partners remain the same i.e. Liver clinics, AOD centres, NSPs, Homeless Services, Aboriginal medical services. Relationship building is continuing through face to face marketing meetings, mail outs, emails and phone calls. Direct referral pathways have been started.

What Works

Building on our existing relationships with our partners to support new referrals. Promotion of our Hep Connect service through our Infoline staff.

Action Plan

Promote our service through our Education sessions with Health Care Workers and professionals in the field. Continue to advertise in Hepatitis NSW's publications Hep Review and The Champion.

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