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Hep Connect


# of Perx app clients this month (was # of peer calls delivered)

Current Value


Aug 2024


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Story Behind the Curve

Q3 2020

A slight decrease in peer calls delivered to clients enrolled in the HepConnect service can be attributed to the decline in enrolments into the program due to COVID-19 and decline in hepatology nurses’ ability to test and consequently prescribing treatment.

Q2 2020

An avarage of 8 peer calls per month were delivered to clients enrolled in the HepConnect service

Q1 2020:

An average of almost 7 calls a month were delivered in the first quarter of 2020. An adjustment in wording on the client intake form clarifies that the calls are an additional support, not in place of the SMS reminders. Updated forms have been forwarded to current prescribers and we hope to see an increase in interest for weekly peer call support over the rest of 2020.

Q4 2019:

Throughout this quarter we made telephone contact with new clients who expressed interest in a peer call, as indicated on their intake form. The calls were requested and conducted at the program’s intake stage.

Q3 2019:

During the set-up of the new program structure the initial phone contact with clients was delivered by the Project Officer. Peers will deliver support calls for clients as they approach testing for SVR, for existing clients. New clients' that enrol into the service will receive scheduled peer support calls according to their needs, with additional support calls around the time of SVR testing and results.

Q2 2019:

The Hep Connect Program was undergoing a restructure with the fully operational launch of the new program predicated for the end of August 2019.

Q1 2019:

Peer calls are currently predominantly supporting people into treatment, toward SVR 12.

Q4 2018:

There has been a decline in client call numbers due to completion of treatment for some clients and the holiday season in December.

Q3 2018:

In the third quarter of 2018 a total of 33 calls to clients were delivered; an avarage of 11 calls per month from peers supporting people throught their treatment journey.

Q2 2018:

An avarage of 14 calls per month were delivered his quarter demonstrating an ongoing need for lived experience treatment support.

Q1 2018: 

Client numbers have increased in the last month of this quarter reflecting the knowledge gained by health workers where education sessions were conducted. Peers supported visitors to Clinic 36 and Foundation House providing clients with treatment information and pathways to the hep C cure. 

Q4 2017:

In the final quarter of 2017 an average of 16 calls were delivered to support clients affected by hep C. The calls ranged from supporting liver transplant clients to checking in on past clients as a reminder that their SVR12 is due or to check on the result of their SVR tests. We can report clients required fewer support calls as they gain treatment confidence sooner than ever before. This may be a reflection on the ease of DAA self-management for clients for those who have the capacity to do so. In saying that it is the peer workers’ skills and expertise that support individuals, no matter how frequent the calls may be, through their treatment journey restoring and maintaining the client’s autonomy and self-determination toward eliminating their hep C virus.

Q3 2017:

An average 14 of peer support calls per month were delivered this quarter

Q2 2017:

Hep Connect workers delivered an average of 12 calls in this quarter. 2016-17 has seen an average of 15 calls per month delivered to support clients along their treatment journey.

Q1 2017:

An average of 12 calls were made in the first quarter of the year delivering ongoing support to several transplant clients as well as a steady intake of new support recipients.

Q4 2016:

An average of 11 calls were delivered between October and December 2016 demonstrating a seasonal decline toward December.

Q3 2016:

An average of 16 calls per month were delivered this quarter, an increase of 4 calls per month compared to last quarter. This increase in calls delivered is attributed to support sought by individuals engaging in the direct acting antivirals (DAA) treatment.

Q2 2016:

An average of 12 calls per month were delivered throughout the 2nd quarter of this year. The majority of calls were delivered to existing clients currently being supported through pre and post liver transplant care, starting and throughout current treatment new direct acting antivirals (DAA).

Q1 2016:

An average of 10 calls were made in this quarter. Most of these calls were conducted to existing clients that are currently being supported through pre liver transplant care, awaiting new direct acting anti-virals (DAA) and throughout their current treatment phase.

Q4 2015:

We have made an average of 11 calls from October to December with a slight down turn in November attributed to the recruitment and training of the Project Officer Hep Connect and C-een & Heard programs. December has witnessed a spike toward the end of the month in contact call requests to support individuals deferring current treatment while waiting for government subsidised access to the new treatment medication as well as clients that have either privately purchase or are on the compassionate access of the new treatment.

Q3 2015:

We have seen an increase in number of calls since June. We are currently exceeding our target number of calls, however we do suspect there are a number of people deferring treatment in the hope of new treatments being made available through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. We are keen to see these new treatments listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme soon.

Q2 2015:

Exceeded target for number of calls for the financial year. Target: 96, Delivered: 100. New project worker recruited commence date 29th June 2015.

Q1 2015:

We have had an increase the service delivery in January: this is due the post-holiday period when clients feel the need to reconnect with the service. 8 call back requests were received in January. In February we had a drop in this number; March recorded 10 calls and 3 new clients.

Q3 2014:

There has been an increase in the number of calls. Program is still dependent on Infoline but external meetings and promotion with partners has enabled direct calls asking specifically for Hepconnect service. Further promotion planned to connect directly with nurses and social workers.

Q4 2014:

Program dependent on Infoline. Less referrals from Infoline means less Hep Connect activity.We did not get enough call backs. Project needs to be marketed in different ways and increase call backs.


People living with hep C.Aboriginal services, AOD centres, Liver Clinics, NSPs, Homeless services.

What Works

Promoting our service to clients seeking information and support through our Hepatitis Infoline, we have seen a number of new referrals come through via our Infoline staff in recent months. Cross-promotional activities between Hepatitis NSW services and information resources, for example advertising the program in Hep Review and the Champion.

Action Plan

To continue to market our service with our partners and seek new opportunities for promotion and the creation of referral pathways.

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