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% of callers reporting they were satisfied with the call

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Sep 2024


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Story Behind the Curve

Q3 2020

A continuing trend is maintained by reported total satisfaction with the service delivery, throughout this quarter

Q2 2020

Callers to the Infoline from correctional centres report 100% satisfcation with the service. 

Q1 2020 

Callers to the Infoline from correctional centres report 100% satisfcation with the service. 

Q4 2019

Callers to the Infoline from correctional centres report 100% satisfcation with the service. 

Q3 2019

Callers to the Infoline from correctional centres reported 100% satisfaction with the service.  

Q2 2019 

Callers to the Infoline from correctional centres reported 100% satisfaction with the service.  Overall satisfaction ranged from 98% in April to 100% in June.  Callers to the Infoline and people using online chat consistently provide positive feedback and are very grateful for the information they receive.  

Q1 2019

Callers to the Infoline from correctional centres and the community reported 100% satisfaction each month during this quarter.  Testament to the high level of support and professionalism offered by the Infoline team. 

Q4 2018

Callers to the Infoline from correctional centres and the community, consistently report they are very satisified with the information and support they receive from the Infoline team.  This ranged from 97% of callers being totally satisfied in November to 100% in December. 

Q3 2018 

Callers to our Hepatitis Infoline consistently report that they are very satisfied or satisfied with the information and support they receive from Infoline staff.  The level of satisfaction reported ranged from 94% (July), 96% (August) and 100% (September). 

Q2 2018 

Callers to our Hepatitis Infoline consistently report that they are very satisfied or satisfied with the information and support they receive from Infoline staff.  The level of satisfaction reported ranged from 94% (June) to 100% (April & May). 

Q1 2018

Callers to our Hepatitis Infoline consistently report that they are very satisfied or satisfied with the information and support they receive from Infoline staff.  The level of satisfaction reported ranged from 98% (March) to 100% (January & February). 

Q1 2016:

Callers to our Hepatitis Infoline continue to report that they are very satisfied or satisfied with the information and support they have received from the Infoline staff. There have been a number of callers calling who have been quite distressed due to issues with accessing new treatments, our Infoline staff are continuing to escalate issues to management and provide the best support possible to all callers during this challenging period.

Q4 2015:

We are maintaining a 100% satisfaction rate, with each caller stating they are either very satisfied or satisfied with the information they received from the Infoline staff.

Q3 2015:

Callers to our Hepatitis Infoline continue to report that they are either satisfied or very satisfied with the service they receive from our Info-line staff.

Q1 2015:

Ongoing reports of 100% of callers satisfied or very satisfied with the service.

Q4 2014:

100 % satisfaction has been maintained in this quarter i.e. October to December.Many callers who phone and agree for a feedback have reported feeling satisfied with the call. Satifaction from the callers is due to talking to trained staff who can help with answers to the callers questions. Some callers in distress have expressed how they feel better after their questions have been answered.Our staff have a lot of knowledge in the area . Treatment and hepatitis news is updated everyday by our very efficient Media Officer so most clients with treatment questions get feedback with up to date hep c treatment information.

Q3 2014:

100% of callers reported satisfaction with our calls in July and August. In September it was a drop to 98% .More callers are satisfied with our calls as we are the only service where staff are trained on handling calls regarding hep c. Most people's questions are answered. We have had callers calling in distress but by the time they finish the calls, they will be feeling good. Referral pathways are very clear so most client's issues are referred to suitable organisations or internal projects.



July to September 2014

Internal services like Let's Talk and HepConnect .Halc, Liver Clinics, Homeless service,AOD Services.

October to December 2014

Internal services like Let's Talk and HepConnect .Halc, Liver Clinics, Homeless service,AOD Services

What Works

July to September 2014

Internal referrals delivered by well trained staff -Let's talk and HepConnect. People are referred internally if the need to talk to a HepConnect staff member or if they need professional counselling. Well trained staff on infoline and casual staff members as well as volunteer counsellors help in providing quality service.Training on effeciency data entry helps a lot in compling data for feedback. 3 monthly follow up feedback is helping in collecting data.

October to December 2014

Internal referrals still work very well. we get feedback on many projects from internal feedback. Media updates from the Media Officer help in keeping infoline staff knowledgable with hep c news. The campaigns updates also help with infoline calls as some clients phone asking how they can help to get treatment on PBS.Efficiency program is working very well as all records are kept safe and we can all get infomation on client activity notes.

Action Plan

July to September 2014

More staff members to be trained in taking infoline calls. Marketing by presentations at liver clinics, homeless services, face to face, word of mouth. Face to face meetings with CNCs have been organised. Building relationships and trust with our partners work- so we have more people phoning our service. More infoline staff to be reminded to ask people for feedback calls.

October to December 2014

Marketing by presentations at liver clinics, homeless services, face to face, word of mouth. Face to face meetings with CNCs have been organised and a meeting was held at St Georges Liver Clinic in November. We are now receiving direct calls from clients referred by St George Liver Clinic.Building relationships and trust with our partners work- so we have more people phoning our service. More infoline staff to be reminded to ask people for feedback calls.

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