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Health Promotion


% of respondents satisfied or very satisfied with the training session

Current Value


Sep 2022


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Story Behind the Curve

Q1 2021

No workshops were delivered in January and is reflected in the 0% measure. However a number of new online webinars and content were developed and delivered in Febuary and March with encrouaging feedback and respondends reporting they were satisfied with the training session. Note that a small proportion of attendees submit feedback for online weinbars which is likely to skew data. For example, more people who are satisified with content might complete the feedback survey and less people will submit feedback who are not satisifed.       

Q4 2020

COVID 19 continues to prevent planned and traditional face to face education. However new online content is being developed in partnership and planning has commenced for face to face sessions in the new year. 

Q1 2020

Workshops delivered in January were highly rated with 100% of all attendees reporting they were satisfied or very satisfied. A great outcome with our largest attendance. 

Q4 2019 

Satisfaction remains high this quarter with 95% of people satisified or very satisfied with education content and delivery. 

Q3 2018

NB: This new financial year brings a new approach to our education program. The focus is shifting from workforce development to a broader engagment with all those affected by viral hepatitits across NSW. Targets and quality measures for this project are yet to be finalised. 

Q2 2018

For the entire financial year, the HNSW education program have recorded strong and consistent satisfaction ratings with over 97% of participants indicating they are satisfied with content and delivery of the workshop they attended. Comments and data continue to reflect the participants overall experience of education sessions being of high quality, deeply engaging and very satisfied. Note that data is collected from people attending a full education session rather than presentations to larger audiences or brief education at festival stalls. 

Q1 2018

Targets consistently met. 

Q4 2017

Targets consistently met. 

Q3 2017

Targets consistently met. 

Q2 2017

The HNSW education program received strong and consistent satisfaction ratings over 90% throughout the 16/17 financial year. Comments and data reflect our participants overall experience of education sessions being of high quality, deeply engaging and very satisfied.

Q1 2017

Attendees reporting high or very high satisfaction with HNSW training sessions continue to exceed targets of 90%. Some quotes from feedback forms received this quarter:

"One of the best workshops I have ever attended, I learned so much, which is great"

"The workshop is very good, I wish that this workshop is done to health care personnel, especially new employees like me, who is new here in the country. Thank you"

Q2 2016

Feedback from workshops continue to reflect high quality engaging material delivered at appropriate levels with a range of learning tools. Quotes from recent feedback forms are "thanks. Its an amazing Workshop! " and "I loved the diversity of different presenters was a great mix. Very informative."

Q4 2015

Targets consistently met.

Quotes from participants in feedback surveys describe their satisfaction with training sessions as "Very informative and engaging" and "Tailored to our service and how to better assist our clients".

Q3 2015

This quarter sees a small dip to 90% satisfied reflecting some neutral responses. It appears some participants misread surveys and ticked very dissatisfied in the post workshop survey, however the same surveys had very positive comments regarding the workshop. The surveys have been reformatted and re-worded and so far, these anomalies haven't occurred again.

Q2 2015:

Targets consistently met.

Q1 2015:

Consitent repsonse of 100% participants reporting satisfied or very satisfied with training sessions.

Q4 2014:

HNSW education team consistently meet the expectations of participants in our training sessions. This data is collected directly from participants post training sessions. it must be noted that not all sessions were completely evaluated because of the nature of large events during the Hepatitis Awareness Week.


A diverse range of participants attended tailored events across the state.

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