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Health Promotion


# of participants from rural areas

Current Value


Sep 2022


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Story Behind the Curve

Q1 2021

By working in partnerhsip with regional stakeholders and developing team capacity to present online material, this performance measure has exceeded targets. The Health Promotion team delivered three workshops face to face in regional Hunter New England for two Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Agencies. Three webinars were delivered in partnerhsip with Murrumbidgee and Southern NSW local health districts attracting high attendance with diverse disciplines, reaching a broader audience.

Feedback from webinars

How can we improve webinar? "no improvements nessary - really great." "Very difficult to say given the quality of this webinar"

"Working in ED it would be great if there were training and resources available so that I could hold an inservce for my colleagues. Not to the same level as this education, but the basics in identifying at risk clients and how to talk about treatment."

Q4 2020

COVID 19 continues to prevent planned and traditional face to face education. However new online content is being developed in partnership and planning has commenced for face to face sessions in the new year. 

Q3 2020

COVID 19 contintues to restrict f2f education evidenced by the low numbers for this quarter. The 55 attendees spiking July's numbers are drawn from the online webinar presented by Hepatitis NSW for Hepatitis Awareness Day. Ongoing collaborations with regional stakeholders in this time are preparing and planning face to face and online sessions in the new year with tailored sessions including hep C and mental health services and increasing testing and treatment across Aboriginal AOD networks.  

Q1 2020

Aboriginal focused workshops were organised in collaboration with HNE LHD to be delivered end of March early April. Unfortunatley these were postponed due to COVID-19. HNSW and our partners are hoping to reschedule later in the year. In the meantime, the team is working to develop online packages to be delivered in the near future. 

Q4 2019

223 people attended hepatitis C education sessions in regional NSW this quarter. 

Q3 2019

This quarter sees a slight drop in numbers but still achieving targets in regional areas by delivering education sessions to community and workforce. Two education sessions on stigma and HCV retreatment in custody were delivered to the NSW Justice Health NUMs meeting via teleconference. The Hunter New Engalnd Mental Health teams attended a one-day workshop on hep C treatment access delivered by HNSW.


Q2 2019

Large numbers of regional attendees in the past quarter reflect the teams work with the Justice Health "Hepatitis in Prison Elimination" project where educators delivered session to men at the Mid North Correctional Centre for the first mens health week expo and large workforce development for services in the Grafton area.

Q1 2019

This is a record-breaking quarter with 325 participants attending  HNSW delivered education sessions in Berrima, Griffith, Wagga Wagga, Brewarrrina, Moree and Cooma. Sessions were delivered to diverse audiences including people in custody, Aboriginal AOD workers, NSP workers, participants of residential rehab programs, midwifery teams, mental health and youth workers. These high numbers reflect the great partnerships developed with Justice Health, regional LHDs and Aboriginal Controlled Health Services. 

Q4 2018

Target met: The education team delivered a series of workforce development seminars throughout the Northern Rivers this quarter and presented at the AH&MRC rural GP forum. 

Q3 2018

NB: This new financial year brings a new approach to our education program. The focus is shifting from workforce development to a broader engagment with all those affected by viral hepatitits across NSW. Targets and quality measures for this project are yet to be finalised. 

The two spikes in this quarter are documenting the number of Aboriginal people who participated in the hep B info/testing in Walgett, Pilliga and Gingia Mission. HNSW also held an information stall at the Koori Knockout in Dubbo where we participated at the Womens Health Forum. 

Q2 2018

This Performance Measure tracks our target to deliver education sessions to 100 professional people in regional NSW over the 17/18 financial year. A total of 174 professionals attended a HNSW workshop on viral hepatitis, exceeding the target by 74%. Collaborative approaches, strong partnerships and community links have broadened our reach and stakeholder network while also delivering current training to remote workforces.

A further 305 people from regional areas participated in an HNSW education activity over the financial year pushing the total recorded numbers up to 479 participants. This includes our presentations to large audiences in prisons, and supports the Justice Health project "HiPE" which aims to eliminate hep C in prison populations.

Q1 2018

This quarter reports 141 participants from rural areas attending HNSW education events. The three key activities for this quarter were the Yabun festival stall, Wagga Wagga AMS training, and the Far West LHD workshops for allied health workers. 

Q4 2017

Education training road trips trained 150 participants in regional areas in partnership with the Local Health District HARP staff. This partnership helps to promote and coordinate the training sessions to increase attendance for key service providers, including health, AOD, Justice Health and staff who work in prison settings.

Q3 2017

Gaps in data for "participants from rural areas" reflect the periodic nature of regional training delivered every few months. While no workshops were delivered in regional NSW this quarter, a series of trips have been scheduled with regional Local Health Districts over the next 6 months. We anticipate these trips will exceed our annual targets for rural participants. 

Q2 2017

This Performance Measure aimed to deliver education sessions to 100 professional people in regional NSW over the 16/17 financial year. We exceeded the target by 193% with a total of 293 professional people attending education sessions in regional NSW this financial year. The success of HNSW education in regional NSW is firmly based in our collaborative approach, strong partnerships and community links.



Q1 2017
Exceptional numbers for the third quarter demonstrate well planned and strong partnerships with regional Local Health Districts and in particular the HARP units in Murrumbidgee, Southern NSW and Illawarra Shoalhaven. HNSW educators coordinated and delivered multiple, well-attended workshops to clinicians and allied health care workers with guest speakers showcasing local services.

Q2 2016

Targets are being continually met for reach across regional NSW with attendees traveling to Sydney and regional workshops being planned with HARP units and LHDs in the new quarter.

Q1 2016

In this quarter, a series of workshops were delivered across the Hunter New England LHD with 67 attendees, exceeding the quarterly target of 45 rural participants.

Q4 2015

In collaboration with the hosting LHD, the regional trip planned for this quarter was postponed until next March due to a range of other BBV projects occurring in the region with ASHM and AHMRC. Two regional trips are now planned for the first quarter of 2016 which will see the annual number of regional participants exceed annual targets.

Q3 2015:

This quarter the numbers are low due to number of regional trips planned. However numbers are expected to exceed the target in the next quarter with a number of workshops being delivered in regional areas.

Q2 2015:

Targets exceeded with a sustained increase reach into regional NSW. Resulting from continued relationship building with regional organizations, Local Health District program managers, and delivering sessions at state conferences that have high regional representation.

Q1 2015:

Targets have already been exceeded for the year due to highly successful recent rural trip.

Q3 2014:

A series of 6 education sessions were delivered in the Murrumbidgee region with high attendance at all sessions: exceeded targets for the year.

Q3 2004:

exceedingly high engagement with rural areas due to a series of workshops conducted in Lightning Ridge through the Going Viral project, the South Coast hepatitis B community event and Northern Rivers trip.


Dec - March 2015 Quarter: The trip established sound working relationships with Murrumbidgee HARP, LHD staff and community members. Strong collaboration with Murrumbidgee HARP unit ensured wide promotion and practical local support including local clinical presenters, venues and logistical support. Liver clinics, Community Health Centres and Justice Health staff at Junee prison also helped organise, promote and deliver sessions. Relationships have continued with future collaborative work discussed and in planning stages.

a wide range of stakeholders were engaged during hepatitis Awareness Week across the state. Key partners included NSW Far West LHD with Going Viral, the Chinese Community Group in Woolongong, and the Lismore liver clinic.

What Works

Dec - March 2015: Collaborative approaches with key stakeholders from initial planning phases throughout implementation and reporting. Long lead times and promotion of workshops. Fundamental contributing factors to the success of the trip was the amazing work done by the Ceen&Heard speaker, not only as a speaker for a short session, but also someone who provided invaluable support throughout the day. Also the Hepatology nurses, health promotion staff and HARP management.

Promoting grant opportunities to diverse community groups such as the Chinese community around hepatitis B and investing in relationship building and with key regional service providers.

Action Plan

Dec - March 2015: A plan to stay engaged with partners and participants include ongoing communication with HepLink and Champion newsletters. Future regional trips are being planned in collaboration with HARP units.

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy